
22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

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To minimize any potential abuse of geographic names and to mitigate confusion and dispute, the Applicant would reserve geographic names under “.STRING”.

22.1 The reservation list

22.1.1 Reserved list specific to Application Guidebook

As per the Specification 5 of the Registry Agreement, the Applicant shall put the following geographic names on reservation. The reserved geographic names are:

Country and Territory Names. The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists shall be initially reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations:
* the short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, as updated from time to time, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 list, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union 〈http:⁄⁄⁄iso⁄support⁄country_codes⁄iso_3166_code_lists⁄iso-3166-1_decoding_table.htm#EU〉;
* the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
* the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names;

Regional or Continental Names. The names are listed as a UNESCO region on the UNESCO website (see http:⁄⁄⁄new⁄en⁄unesco⁄worldwide⁄) or appearing on the “composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings” (see http:⁄⁄⁄unsd⁄methods⁄m49⁄m49regin.htm).

22.1.2 Reserved list specific to China

In addition to the reserved list in the Application Guidebook, the Applicant may also reserve additional names as required by China regulations where the Applicant operates. The names lists includes but not limited to:
* The names (both in English and in Chinese) of the provinces and municipalities of China, including complete form and short form as well as unofficial abbreviation of the geographic names.
* The names (both in English and in Chinese) of the sub-regions of the provinces and the names of the counties in China.

22.2. Procedures to release the reserved lists specific to Application Guidebook

The reserved geographic names may be released to the extent that the Applicant reaches agreement with the applicable government or public authority. The release of the geographic names shall follow the below described procedures.

22.2.1 The release of country and territory names

1. The Government or public authority concerned informs the GAC Secretariat of their request to register the name, and the designated beneficiary.
2. The GAC Secretariat authenticates the request and transfers it to the ICANN staff and to the Applicant.
3. The Applicant verifies the availability of the name and issues an authorization letter that is transmitted directly to the designated.
4. The designated beneficiary registers the name, with an accredited registrar, using the authorization letter as their authority.

22.2.2 The release of reserved list specific to China

1. The relevant local government or public authority issues an official supporting documentation to the designated beneficiary.
2. The designated beneficiary registers the name, with an accredited registrar using the official supporting documentation.
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.时尚RISE VICTORY LIMITEDzodiac-corp.comView

To minimize any potential abuse of geographic names and to mitigate confusion and dispute, the Applicant would reserve geographic names under “.STRING”.

22.1 The reservation list

22.1.1 Reserved list specific to Application Guidebook

As per the Specification 5 of the Registry Agreement, the Applicant shall put the following geographic names on reservation. The reserved geographic names are:

Country and Territory Names. The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists shall be initially reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations:
* the short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, as updated from time to time, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 list, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union 〈http:⁄⁄⁄iso⁄support⁄country_codes⁄iso_3166_code_lists⁄iso-3166-1_decoding_table.htm#EU〉;
* the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
* the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names;

Regional or Continental Names. The names are listed as a UNESCO region on the UNESCO website (see http:⁄⁄⁄new⁄en⁄unesco⁄worldwide⁄) or appearing on the “composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings” (see http:⁄⁄⁄unsd⁄methods⁄m49⁄m49regin.htm).

22.1.2 Reserved list specific to China

In addition to the reserved list in the Application Guidebook, the Applicant may also reserve additional names as required by China regulations where the Applicant operates. The names lists includes but not limited to:
* The names (both in English and in Chinese) of the provinces and municipalities of China, including complete form and short form as well as unofficial abbreviation of the geographic names.
* The names (both in English and in Chinese) of the sub-regions of the provinces and the names of the counties in China.

22.2. Procedures to release the reserved lists specific to Application Guidebook

The reserved geographic names may be released to the extent that the Applicant reaches agreement with the applicable government or public authority. The release of the geographic names shall follow the below described procedures.

22.2.1 The release of country and territory names

1. The Government or public authority concerned informs the GAC Secretariat of their request to register the name, and the designated beneficiary.
2. The GAC Secretariat authenticates the request and transfers it to the ICANN staff and to the Applicant.
3. The Applicant verifies the availability of the name and issues an authorization letter that is transmitted directly to the designated.
4. The designated beneficiary registers the name, with an accredited registrar, using the authorization letter as their authority.

22.2.2 The release of reserved list specific to China

1. The relevant local government or public authority issues an official supporting documentation to the designated beneficiary.
2. The designated beneficiary registers the name, with an accredited registrar using the official supporting documentation.