
26 Whois

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26. Whois System
26.1. Overview
The Applicant provides Whois services to the public through KSRP. The Whois system of KSRP is implemented in accordance with RFC 3912 and other requirements specified in Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement. It meets the SLR indicators specified in Specification 10 in terms of performance and availability, and provides scalability for growth.
26.1.1. Software Architecture
For the diagram of software architecture of Whois, please refer to Figure 26-1 in Q26_attachment. Below is the detailed description.
The Whois system consists of the Whois server and the Whois web server, which can be accessed from either command-line or web. The command line query requests directly access the Whois server while the web-based query requests access the web page on the Whois web server .
a) Full-text Search System
The full-text search system provides the searchable Whois functions via the Apache Solr. It scans the Whois database every 10 minutes. If there are any data changes, the search system will update the search indices accordingly.
b) Database
The SRS master database synchronizes only the data fields required by the Whois system to the Whois database via Oracle Advanced Replication. Any sensitive data that may leak privacy information of Registrants or Registrars or are prohibited by local laws and regulations are not replicated.
26.1.2. Physical Architecture
For the physical architecture of Whois, please refer to Figure 26-2 in Q26_attachment. Below is the detailed description.
The Whois server and Whois web server are redundantly deployed on multiple servers that are load balanced behind the F5s.
The full-text search service is deployed on master and slave servers. The master server synchronizes data and changes indices with the Whois database. It then synchronizes the changed indices and data to several slave servers. These slave servers are clustered behind the load balancer (F5) to provide searchable Whois services.
There are multiple Whois servers that are behind the load balancer (F5) to achieve load balancing and high availability.
26.1.3. Equipment List
See the Table 26-1 in Q26_attachment for a list of equipment of the Whois system (excluding any hardware equipment appeared in the network topological diagram of the primary data center):

26.2. Operation Plan
26.2.1. Availability
The KSRP has adopted the following measures to ensure high availability of the Whois system.
a) The hardware equipment and software systems used for the Whois system are redundantly deployed as server clusters that are load balanced behind the F5s.
b) The Whois system is redundantly deployed at the backup data center. In case of any unexpected disasters, KSRP can be switched over the backup data center within 30 minutes to continue its Whois services.
KSRP ensures that the downtime due to outages will not exceed 43.2 minutes monthly, with a high service availability of 99.9%, exceeding the SLA indicator (98%) specified in Specification 10 of the Registry Agreement.
26.2.2. Performance
KSRP is designed to scale to handle 30 million domains. The performance test results shows that KSRPʹs Whois system is capable of handling 5000 queries per second or about 430 million queries a day with the maximum response time not exceeding 1150ms.
As a result, KSRP exceeds the performance indicator of the Whois system specified by ICANN and is scalable for future demands.
Comparison with SLR Indicators
See the Table 26-2 in Q26_attachment for the contrast between the test data of the Whois system and the SLR indicators specified in Specification 10.
26.2.3. Scalability
The Whois system supports both vertical and horizontal scalability. When KSRP reaches its maximum domain name capacity, the performance and throughput capacity of the Whois system can be expanded by upgrading production server hardware (vertical scalability) and⁄or adding more servers and bandwidth (horizontal scalability).
26.2.4. Data Synchronization
Data in the SRS database are synchronized to the Whois database via Oracle Advanced Replication at an interval of 5 minutes; the changed data of Whois database are synchronized to the full-text search system at an interval of 10 minutes.
Given the above data synchronization intervals, the command-line query requests and the web-based query requests have a latency of about 5 minutes, and the searchable query has a latency of about 20 minutes. Both latencies fully meet the Whois data update time (a latency of 60 minutes) specified in Specification 10.
26.2.5. Searchable Whois
KSRP implements the searchable Whois function via the full-text search technology of Apache Solr. The user logs on to the page specified by the Whois Web Server after passing the ID authentication, and inputs the query criteria as required in Specification 4; the Whois Web Server will forward the query request to the full-text search system which searches and returns the qualified results to the result page of the Whois Web Server.
How to Prevent Abuse
The searchable Whois function may be abused by malicious users to send spams to the Registrants or Registrars by harvesting email addresses from the query result. Such abuses may cause negative impacts on the Registrants and Registrars that may violate local laws and policies.
The Applicant will take the following measures to prevent the searchable Whois function from abuses without violating local laws and policies:
a) The user must input the correct CAPTCHA before submitting each searchable Whois query request.
b) Only those insensitive contents meeting Specification 4 are allowed to be displayed in query results.
c) No more than 20 results are allowed to return for each searchable Whois query.
d) Impose a cap on the maximum number of queries in unit time from the same IP address.
26.3. Compliance with Relevant Specifications
26.3.1. Compliance with RFC 3912
The Whois system complies with RFC 3912 and listens to port 43.The client interacts with the Whois Server via TCP to complete the request-response process: the Client submits a text-based request to the Whois server; the Whois server then returns the query result in a text-based response to the Client.
26.3.2. Compliance with Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement
KSRP fully complies with Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement in terms of Whois query, zone file access and bulk registration data access.
a) Whois Query
The Whois system fully meets the relevant requirements specified in Specification 4 in terms of data objects (domain name, Registrar and name server), contents, queries and response format.
The Whois system provides two query methods: command line query and web-based query. The former is implemented according to RFC 3912 where the client interacts with the Whois Server in a request-response pattern. The latter is implemented as follows: the user accesses a specified page, inputs the query contents, selects query criteria (domain name, Registrar, name server), types in a CAPTCHA and then submit the query request. After receiving the request, the Whois Web Server will check the CAPTCHA. If the code matches, the Whois Web Server will retrieve the query result from the Whois Server and show the response content to the users in the resulting page.
b) Zone File Access
The Applicant allows third-party entities who enter into an agreement with the Registry to access the zone file through KSRP according to Specification 4. It also provides ICANN or other ICANN designated partners with bulk access to authoritative zone files in the format and manner as specified in Specification 4.
c) Bulk Registration Data Access
The Applicant will provide ICANN with registration data at specified time through KSRP. The content and format of provided data completely comply with the applicable requirements in Specification 4.
Moreover, when a Registrar is no longer able to provide the domain registry services, the Applicant will submit all domain name data owned by that Registrar to the ICANN within the specified period. The content and format of provided data completely comply with ICANNʹs requirements.
26.4. Resourcing Plan
The development and test work for the Whois system of the KSRP has been completed. See Table 31-11 in Q31_attachment for the overall human resource planning of KSRP. For the resourcing plan of this system, please refer to Table 26-3 in Q26_attachment and the above 26.1.3 for equipment resource planning.

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.citicCITIC Group Corporationymail.comView
26. Whois System
26.1. Overview
The ʺ.citicʺ Registry provides Whois services to the public through KSRP by KNET. The Whois system of KSRP is implemented in accordance with RFC 3912 and other requirements specified in Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement. It meets the SLR indicators specified in Specification 10 in terms of performance and availability, and provides scalability for growth.
26.1.1. Software Architecture
For the diagram of software architecture of Whois, please refer to Figure 26-1 in Q26_attachment. Below is the detailed description.
The Whois system consists of the Whois server and the Whois web server, which can be accessed from either command-line or web. The command line query requests directly access the Whois server while the web-based query requests access the web page on the Whois web server.
a) Full-text Search System
The full-text search system provides the searchable Whois functions via the Apache Solr. It scans the Whois database every 10 minutes. If there are any data changes, the search system will update the search indices accordingly.
b) Database
The SRS master database synchronizes only the data fields required by the Whois system to the Whois database via Oracle Advanced Replication. Any sensitive data that may leak privacy information of Registrants or Registrars or are prohibited by local laws and regulations are not replicated.
26.1.2. Physical Architecture
For the physical architecture of Whois, please refer to Figure 26-2 in Q26_attachment. Below is the detailed description.
The Whois server and Whois web server are redundantly deployed on multiple servers that are load balanced behind the F5s.
The full-text search service is deployed on master and slave servers. The master server synchronizes data and changes indices with the Whois database. It then synchronizes the changed indices and data to several slave servers. These slave servers are clustered behind the load balancer (F5) to provide searchable Whois services.
There are multiple Whois servers that are behind the load balancer (F5) to achieve load balancing and high availability.
26.1.3. Equipment List
See the Table 26-1 in Q26_attachment for a list of equipment of the Whois system (excluding any hardware equipment appeared in the network topological diagram of the primary data center):

26.2. Operations Plan
26.2.1. Availability
The KSRP has adopted the following measures to ensure high availability of the Whois system.
a) The hardware equipment and software systems used for the Whois system are redundantly deployed as server clusters that are load balanced behind the F5s.
b) The Whois system is redundantly deployed at the backup data center. In case of any unexpected disasters, KSRP can be switched over the backup data center within 30 minutes to continue its Whois services.
KSRP ensures that the downtime due to outages will not exceed 43.2 minutes monthly, with a high service availability of 99.9%, exceeding the SLA indicator (98%) specified in Specification 10 of the Registry Agreement.
26.2.2. Performance
It is estimated that 10,000 domain names will be delegated under the ʺ.citicʺ TLD within 3 years after its launch and when the registration volume reaches such target point, there will be 11,833 queries a day. KSRP is designed to scale to handle 30 million domains. The performance test results shows that KSRPʹs Whois system is capable of handling 5000 queries per second or about 430 million queries a day with the maximum response time not exceeding 1150ms.
As a result, KSRP exceeds the performance indicator of the Whois system specified by ICANN and is scalable for future demands.
Comparison with SLR Indicators
See the Table 26-2 in Q26_attachment for the contrast between the test data of the Whois system and the SLR indicators specified in Specification 10.
26.2.3. Scalability
The Whois system supports both vertical and horizontal scalability. When KSRP reaches its maximum domain name capacity, the performance and throughput capacity of the Whois system can be expanded by upgrading production server hardware (vertical scalability) and⁄or adding more servers and bandwidth (horizontal scalability).
26.2.4. Data Synchronization
Data in the SRS database are synchronized to the Whois database via Oracle Advanced Replication at an interval of 5 minutes; the changed data of Whois database are synchronized to the full-text search system at an interval of 10 minutes.
Given the above data synchronization intervals, the command-line query requests and the web-based query requests have a latency of about 5 minutes, and the searchable query has a latency of about 20 minutes. Both latencies fully meet the Whois data update time (a latency of 60 minutes) specified in Specification 10.
26.2.5. Searchable Whois
KSRP implements the searchable Whois function via the full-text search technology of Apache Solr. The user logs on to the page specified by the Whois Web Server after passing the ID authentication, and inputs the query criteria as required in Specification 4; the Whois Web Server will forward the query request to the full-text search system which searches and returns the qualified results to the result page of the Whois Web Server.
How to Prevent Abuse
The searchable Whois function may be abused by malicious users to send spams to the Registrants or Registrars by harvesting email addresses from the query result. Such abuses may cause negative impacts on the Registrants and Registrars that may violate local laws and policies.
The ʺ.citicʺ Registry will take the following measures to prevent the searchable Whois function from abuses without violating local laws and policies:
a) The user must input the correct CAPTCHA before submitting each searchable Whois query request.
b) Only those insensitive contents meeting Specification 4 are allowed to be displayed in query results.
c) No more than 20 results are allowed to return for each searchable Whois query.
d) Impose a cap on the maximum number of queries in unit time from the same IP address.
26.3. Compliance with Relevant Specifications
26.3.1. Compliance with RFC 3912
The Whois system complies with RFC 3912 and listens to port 43.The client interacts with the Whois Server via TCP to complete the request-response process: the Client submits a text-based request to the Whois server; the Whois server then returns the query result in a text-based response to the Client.
26.3.2. Compliance with Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement
KSRP fully complies with Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement in terms of Whois query, zone file access and bulk registration data access.
a) Whois Query
The Whois system fully meets the relevant requirements specified in Specification 4 in terms of data objects (domain name, Registrar and name server), contents, queries and response format.
The Whois system provides two query methods: command line query and web-based query. The former is implemented according to RFC 3912 where the client interacts with the Whois Server in a request-response pattern. The latter is implemented as follows: the user accesses a specified page, inputs the query contents, selects query criteria (domain name, Registrar, name server), types in a CAPTCHA and then submit the query request. After receiving the request, the Whois Web Server will check the CAPTCHA. If the code matches, the Whois Web Server will retrieve the query result from the Whois Server and show the response content to the users in the resulting page.
b) Zone File Access
The ʺ.citicʺ Registry allows third-party entities who enter into an agreement with the Registry to access the zone file through KSRP according to Specification 4. It also provides ICANN or other ICANN designated partners with bulk access to authoritative zone files in the format and manner as specified in Specification 4.
c) Bulk Registration Data Access
The ʺ.citicʺ Registry will provides ICANN with registration data at specified time through KSRP. The content and format of provided data completely comply with the applicable requirements in Specification 4.
Moreover, when a Registrar is no longer able to provide the domain registry services, the ʺ.citicʺ Registry will submit all domain name data owned by that Registrar to the ICANN within the specified period. The content and format of provided data completely comply with ICANNʹs requirements.
26.4. Resourcing Plan
The development and test work for the Whois system of the KSRP has been completed. See section 31.12.2 for the overall human resource planning of KSRP. For the resourcing plan of this system, please refer to Table 26-3 in Q26_attachment and the above 26.1.3 for equipment resource planning.