
29 Rights Protection Mechanisms

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.CorpDot Registry LLChotmail.comView
DOT Registry is committed to implementing strong and integrated Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPM). Use of domain names that infringe upon the legal rights of others in the TLD will not be tolerated. The nature of such uses creates security and stability issues for the registry, registrars, and registrants, as well as for users of the Internet in general. DOT Registry will protect the legal rights of others by implementing RPMs and anti-abuse policies backed by robust responsiveness to complaints and requirements of DOT Registry’s registrars.

Trademark Clearinghouse

Each new gTLD Registry will be required to implement support for, and interaction with, the Trademark Clearinghouse (“Clearinghouse”). The Clearinghouse is intended to serve as a central repository for information to be authenticated, stored, and disseminated pertaining to the rights of trademark holders. The data maintained in the Clearinghouse will support and facilitate other RPMs, including the mandatory Sunrise Period and Trademark Claims service.

Utilizing the Clearinghouse, all operators of new gTLDs must offer: (i) a Sunrise registration service for at least 30 days during the pre-launch phase giving eligible trademark owners an early opportunity to register second-level domains in new gTLDs; and (ii) a Trademark Claims Service for at least the first 60 days that second-level registrations are open. The Trademark Claims Service is intended to provide clear notice to a potential registrant of the rights of a trademark owner whose trademark is registered in the Clearinghouse.

Sunrise A Period

DOT Registry will offer segmented Sunrise Periods. The initial Sunrise Period will last [minimum 30 days] for owners of trademarks listed in the Clearinghouse to register domain names that consist of an identical match of their listed trademarks. All domain names registered during the Sunrise Period will be subject to DOT Registry’s domain name registration policy, namely, that all registrants be validly registered corporations and all applied-for domains will only be awarded the “.CORP” domain that matches or includes a substantial part of the Registrant’s legal name. DOT Registry will assign its Rights Protection Team; which is lead by our Director of Legal and Policy and further supported by two dedicated employees to receive and authenticate all Sunrise Registrations.

DOT Registry’s registrar will ensure that all Sunrise Registrants meet sunrise eligibility requirements (SERs), which will be verified by Clearinghouse data. The proposed SERs include: (i) ownership of a mark that is (a) nationally or regionally registered and for which proof of use, such as a declaration and a single specimen of current use – was submitted to, and validated by, the Trademark Clearinghouse; or (b) that have been court-validated; or (c) that are specifically protected by a statute or treaty currently in effect and that was in effect on or before 26 June 2008, (ii) optional registry elected requirements concerning international classes of goods or services covered by registration; (iii) representation that all provided information is true and correct; and (iv) provision of data sufficient to document rights in the trademark.

Upon receipt of the Sunrise application, DOT Registry will issue a unique tracking number to the Registrar, which will correspond to that particular application. All applications will receive tracking numbers regardless of whether they are complete. Applications received during the Sunrise period will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and must be active corporations in good standing before they may be awarded the requested domain, or able to proceed to auction. Upon submission of all of the required information and documentation, registrar will forward the information to DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] for authentication. DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will review the information and documentation and verify the trademark information, and notify the potential registrant of any deficiencies. If a registrant does not cure any trademark-related deficiencies and⁄or respond by the means listed within one (1) week, DOT Registry will notify its registrar and the domain name will be released for registration.
DOT Registry will incorporate a Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy (SDRP). The SRDP will allow challenges to Sunrise Registrations by third parties for a ten-day period after acceptance of the registration based on the following four grounds: (i) at time the challenged domain name was registered, the registrant did not hold a trademark registration of national effect (or regional effect) or the trademark had not been court-validated or protected by statute or treaty; (ii) the domain name is not identical to the mark on which the registrant based its Sunrise registration; (iii) the trademark registration on which the registrant based its Sunrise registration is not of national or regional effect or the trademark had not been court-validated or protected by statute or treaty; or (iv) the trademark registration on which the domain name registrant based its Sunrise registration did not issue on or before the effective date of the Registry Agreement and was not applied for on or before ICANN announced the applications received.

After receiving a Sunrise Complaint, DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will review the Complaint to see if the Complaint reasonably asserts a legitimate challenge as defined by the SDRP. If not, DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will send an email to the Complainant within thirty-six (36) hours of sending the confirmation email that the subject of the complaint clearly does not fall within one of the delineated grounds as defined by the SDRP and that DOT Registry considers the matter closed.

If the domain name is not found to have adequately met the SERs, DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will alert the registrar and registry services provider to immediately suspend the resolution of the domain name. Thereafter, DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will immediately notify the Sunrise Registrant of the suspension of the domain name, the nature of the complaint, and provide the registrant with the option to respond within ten (10) days to cure the SER deficiencies or the domain name will be canceled.

If the registrant responds within ten (10) business days, its response will be reviewed by DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] to determine if the SERs are met. If DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] is satisfied by the registrant’s response, DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will submit a request to the registrar and the registry services provider to unsuspend the domain name. DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will then notify the Complainant that its complaint was ultimately denied and provide the reasons for the denial.

Names secured as described through the Sunrise AT⁄AD processes will result in the registration of resolving domain names at the registry. Names reserved through the Sunrise B process will not result in resolving domain name at DOT Registry. Rather, these names will be reserved and blocked from live use. The applied for string will resolve to an informational page informing visitors that the name is unavailable for registration and reserved from use.

Applications that fit the following criteria will be considered during the Sunrise A period: Applicant owns and operates an existing domain name in another gTLD or ccTLD, in connection with eligible commerce and satisfies the registration requirements described in Section 1.
Sunrise B
Applications that fit the following criteria will be considered during the Sunrise B period:
a) Applicant holds valid trademark registrations or owns rights to a particular name and wishes to block the use of such name.
b) The Applicant must seek to block a name that corresponds to the entire text of its trademark or the complete textual component of a graphical or compound trademark. Certain variances are permitted for trademarks containing spaces or special characters that are not available for domain names.
Any entity, applying for blocks under Sunrise B as a non-member of the sponsored community cannot apply for names in the TLD.

Founder’s Program
Applications for the Founder’s Program will be accepted after the close of the Sunrise Periods. Potential registrants should understand that certain expectations, as described herein will accompany the issuance of a domain name under the Founder’s Program and all registrations resulting from this program will be required to follow the below listed guidelines, which will be further described in their Program Agreement:
a) Registrants awarded a domain through the Founder’s Program must use their best efforts to launch a “.CORP” website within 30 days of signing the Program Agreement.
b) In addition, each registrant will be required to issue a press release announcing the launch of their “.CORP” Founder Website, concurrent with the launch of their ʺ.CORPʺ Founder Website, said press release must be approved by DOT Registry;
c) Founder’s websites should be kept good working order, with unique, meaningful content, user-friendly interfaces, and broad user appeal, for the duration of the License Term,
d) Founders are expected to proactively market and promote “.CORP” gTLD in a manner that is likely to produce widespread awareness of the unique advantages gained through the “.CORP” string.
e) Founders are expected to participate in reasonable joint marketing initiatives with DOT Registry or its Agents, these would be discussed and mutually agreed upon, given the unique circumstances of each marketing venture.
f) Founders will allow DOT Registry to use in good faith Founder’s name, likeness, trademarks, logos, and Application contents (other than Confidential Information,) as well as other Founder information and content as may be mutually agreed, in DOT Registry’s marketing, promotional and communications materials.
DOT Registry will randomly verify compliance of the above listed expectations and have the right to revoke any Founder’s site, should they be deemed non-compliant.

Additionally, DOT Registry may suspend or delete a Founder’s site without prior notice to the Registrar or Registrant if the Founder’s site is deemed in violation of any of DOT Registryʹs registration guidelines or policies.

Registrants participating in the Founders program will receive 25% off their initial registration fees, additional discounts may be offered to founders at the time of renewal, should DOT Registry choose to offer additional discounts to founders or term extensions (not to exceed 5 years) DOT Registry will seek advance approval from ICANN via the specified channels.

Landrush is a limited time opportunity for companies that want to secure a high value “.CORP” name for a small fee (above the basic registration cost). The landrush period will last 30 days. Applications will be accepted and evaluated to determine if they meet the requirements for registration. At the end of the Landrush period domain names with only one application will be awarded directly to the Applicant. Domain names with two or more applications will proceed to a closed mini auction, between the respective Applicants, where the highest bidder wins.

General Availability Period
Applicant must meet registration requirements.
Names will be awarded on a first-come, first serve basis which is determined as of the time of the initial request, not when authentication occurs.

Domain Name Contentions
Name contentions will arise when both a Sunrise A and Sunrise B application are submitted for the same name, the following actions will be taken to resolve the contention.
a) Both Applicants will be notified of the contention and the Sunrise A Applicant will be given first right to either register their requested domain or withdraw their application. Since “.CORP” is a sponsored community domain for registered Corporations, a domain applied for under Sunrise A will, all else being equal, receive priority over the identical domain applied for under Sunrise B. Sunrise A names get priority over Sunrise B names.
b) If the Sunrise A Applicant chooses to register their name regardless of the contention, then the Sunrise B Applicant may choose to pursue further action independently of DOT Registry to contest the name.
c) If two Sunrise A Applicants apply for the same domain name (i.e., Delta Airlines and Delta Faucet both seek to be awarded the use of DELTA.corp) then DOT Registry will notify both Applicants of the contention and proceed to an auction process as described in Section 9.
d) If a Sunrise A Applicant and a Landrush Applicant apply for the same domain name, the Sunrise A Applicant, all else being equal will have priority over the Landrush Applicant.
e) If two Sunrise B Applicants apply for the same domain name (i.e., Delta Airlines and Delta Faucet, both seek to block the use of DELTA. corp), then DOT Registry will accept both applications as valid and block the use of the indicated domain.

Appeal of Rejected Sunrise Applications
An Applicant can file a request for reconsideration within 10 days of the notification of DOT Registry’s rejection. Reconsideration can be requested by completing a reconsideration form and filing a reconsideration fee with DOT Registry. Forms, fee information, and process documentation will be available on the DOT Registry website. Upon receipt of the reconsideration form and the corresponding fee, DOT Registry or its Agents will re-examine the application, and notify the Registrant of all findings or additional information needed. The Request for Reconsideration must be submitted through the Registrant’s registrar, and a reconsideration fee must be paid to DOT Registry.

Sunrise A names found to be in contention as described above will result in Auction. DOT Registry plans to have a qualified third party conduct our auction processes, therefore the rules contained in this document are subject to change based on the selection of an auctioneer:
a) When your auction account is created, it will be assigned a unique bidder alias in order to ensure confidential bidding. The bidder alias will not reflect any information about your account. You may change your bidder alias to a name of your choosing but once set, it cannot be changed again.
b) All auction participants are expected to keep their account information current, throughout the auction process.
c) Auction participants will receive up to date communication from the auctioneer as the auction progresses, bidding status changes, or issues arise.
d) Bidding
i) Auctions will follow a standard process flow: scheduled (upcoming), open and closed.
ii) You will receive an “Auction Scheduled” notice at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled auction start date. You will receive an “Auction Start” notice on the auction start date, which will indicate that you may begin placing bids through the interface. Once closed, the auction is complete and if you are the winning bidder, you will proceed to the payment process.
iii) If you choose to bid for a particular domain and you are the highest bidder at the end of an auction, you are obligated to complete the transaction and pay the Auctioneer the amount of your winning bid. Carefully consider your bids prior to placing them - bids are not retractable under any circumstances.
iv) If no bids are placed on a particular domain, the Registry will register the domain on behalf of the first customer (in the respective phase) to submit an application through a registrar.
e) Extensions
i) A normal auction period is anticipated to last a minimum of 7 (seven) days. However, in the event of significant auction activity, an auction close may extend during the last twenty-four (24) hours of scheduled operation to better need the volume of the auction.
ii) Auction extensions are meant to provide a mechanism that is fair for bidders in all time zones to respond to being outbid.
iii) An auction extension will occur whenever the auction lead changes in the last twenty four (24) hours of the schedule of an auction. The close will be revised to reflect a new closing time set at twenty four (24) hours after the change in auction lead occurred. Essentially, this means that a winning maximum bid has to remain unchallenged for a period of twenty four (24) hours before the auction will close.
iv) It is important to note that extensions are not simply based on the auction value changing since this could occur as a result of proxy bidding where the same bidder retains their lead. In this case, the maximum bid has not changed, the leader has not changed and therefore no extension will occur.
f) Payment Default
In the event that you as the winning bidder decide not to honor your payment obligations (or in the event of a reversal of payment or a charge back by a credit card company or other payment provider) on any outstanding balance, the Registry has the right to cancel any⁄all of your winning registrations for any .CORP domain name, regardless of whether they have been paid for or not. You do not have the right to “pick and choose” the names you wish to keep or not keep. Winning an auction creates an obligation to remit payment. Failure to remit payment is a breach of your agreement. You will lose any previously won domains and will no longer be allowed to bid on any current or future auctions sponsored by DOT Registry. Participants are encouraged therefore to consider carefully each bid submitted as any bid could be a winning bid.
Trademark Claims Service

DOT Registry will offer a Trademark Claims Service indefinitely to provide maximum protection and value to rights holders. The Trademark Claims Service will be monitored and operated by DOT Registry’s RPM Team that will receive all communications regarding the Trademark Claims Service and catalog them. DOT Registry’s registrar will review all domain name requests to determine if they are an identical match of a trademark filed with the Trademark Clearinghouse. A domain name will be considered an identical match when the domain name consists of the complete and identical textual elements of the mark, and includes domain names where (a) spaces contained within a mark that are either replaced by hyphens (and vice versa) or omitted; (b) certain special characters contained within a trademark are spelled out with appropriate words describing it (e.g., @ and &); and (c) punctuation or special characters contained within a mark that are unable to be used in a second-level domain name are either (i) omitted or (ii) replaced by spaces, hyphens or underscores. Domain names that are plural forms of a mark, or that merely contain a mark, will not qualify as an identical match.

If the registrar determines that a prospective domain name registration is identical to a mark registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse, the registrar will be required to email a “Trademark Claims Notice” (Notice) in English to the protective registrant of the domain name and copy DOT Registry’s RPM Team The Notice will provide the prospective registrant information regarding the trademark referenced in the Trademark Claims Notice to enhance understanding of the Trademark rights being claimed by the trademark holder. The Notice will be provided in real time without cost to the prospective registrant.

After receiving the notice, the registrar will provide the prospective registrant five (5) days to reply to the Trademark Claims Service with a signed document that specifically warrants that: (i) the prospective registrant has received notification that the mark is included in the Clearinghouse; (ii) the prospective registrant has received and understood the notice; and (iii) to the best of the prospective registrant’s knowledge the registration and use of the requested domain name will not infringe on the rights that are the subject of the notice. If the warranty document satisfies these requirements, the registrar will effectuate the registration and notify DOT Registry’s RPM Team.

After the effectuation of a registration that is identical to a mark listed in the Trademark Clearinghouse, the registrar will provide clear notice to the trademark owner consisting of the domain name that has been registered and copy DOT Registry’s RPM Team. The trademark owner then has the option of filing a Complaint under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) or the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS).

Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS)

DOT Registry will specify in the Registry Agreement, all RRAs, and all Registration Agreements used in connection with the TLD that it and its registrars will abide by all decisions made by panels in accordance with the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS). DOT Registry’s RPM Team will receive all URS Complaints and decisions, and will notify its registrar to suspend all registrations determined by a URS panel to be infringing within a commercially reasonable time of receiving the decision. DOT Registry’s RPM Team will catalog all abuse communications, but only provide them to third-parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)

DOT Registry will specify in the Registry Agreement, all Registry-Registrar Agreements, and Registration Agreements used in connection with the TLD that it will promptly abide by all decisions made by panels in accordance with the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). DOT Registry’s RPM Team will receive all UDRP Complaints and decisions, and will notify its registrar to cancel or transfer all registrations determined to by a UDRP panel to be infringing within ten (10) business days of receiving the decision. DOT Registry’s [RPM Team] will catalog all abuse communications, but only provide them to third-parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Proven Registrars

In order to reduce abusive registrations and other activities that affect the legal rights of others, DOT Registry will only contract with ICANN-accredited registrars. The registrar, according to the RRA, will not be able to register any domain names, thus eliminating the possibility of front-running.

Pre-Authorization and Authentication

Registrant authentication shall occur in accordance with the registration eligibility criteria and the Anti-Abuse Policy for .INC as set forth in Question 28.

The verification process is designed to prevent a prospective registrant from providing inaccurate or incomplete data, such that, if necessary, the registrant can be readily contacted regarding an infringing use of its site; indeed, the process (including verification of a registrant’s certificate of incorporation) is designed to ensure that only qualified members of the community are permitted to register in the TLD.

DOT Registry will not permit registrants to use proxy services.

Thick WhoIs

DOT Registry will include a thick WhoIs database as required in Specification 4 of the Registry agreement. A thick WhoIs provides numerous advantages including a centralized location of registrant information, the ability to more easily manage and control the accuracy of data, and a consistent user experience.

Grace Period

If a Registrant previously awarded a “.CORP” domain is dissolved and⁄or forfeited for any reason, then such “.CORP” domain will be forfeited to DOT Registry at their designated renewal time; unless such Registrant takes all reasonable steps to become reinstated and such Registrant is reinstated within six months of being dissolved and⁄or forfeited.

If a Registrant previously awarded the “.CORP” domain is administratively dissolved by the Secretary of State or legally applicable jurisdiction, then such “.CORP” will be forfeited to DOT Registry at their designated renewal time, unless such Registrant is reinstated within six months of being administratively dissolved.

Takedown Procedure

DOT Registry will provide a Takedown Procedure modeled after the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s notice-and-takedown procedure.

At all times, DOT Registry will publish on its home website at NIC.CORP contact information for receiving rights protection complaints (Complaint) from rights holders, including but not limited to trademark and copyright Complaints. Complaints will be addressed to and received by DOT Registrys RPM Team who will catalogue and ticket in DOT Registry’s CRM software and review as outlined herein. DOT Registry will catalog all rights protection communications and only provide them to third parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Any Complaint from a rights holder will be relayed to DOT Registry’s RPM Team. A member of DOT Registry’s RPM Team will then send an email to the Complainant within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the Complaint confirming receipt of the email, and that DOT Registry will notify the Complainant of the results of the Complaint within (10) days of receiving the Complaint.

After sending the confirmation email, DOT Registry’s RPM Team will review the Complaint. If DOT Registry or its registrar determines that the registration was in bad faith, DOT Registry or its registrar may cancel or suspend the resolution of the domain name. Bad faith registration includes, but is not limited to, the registration of a domain identical to a registered trademark where the registrant has proceeded with registration after receipt of a Clearinghouse notice, as described above.

If the registrant responds within ten (10) business days, its response will be reviewed by the DOT Registry’s RPM Team If DOT Registry’s RPM Team is satisfied by the registrant’s response that the content has been taken down or is not infringing, DOT Registry’s RPM Team will unsuspend the domain name. DOT Registry’s RPM Team will then notify the Complainant that its complaint was ultimately denied and provide the reasons for the denial. If the registrant does not respond within ten (10) business days, DOT Registry or its registrar may cancel or suspend the resolution of the domain name.

This Takedown Procedure will not prejudice any party’s election to pursue another dispute mechanism, such as URS or UDRP, as set forth in DOT Registry’s response to Question 28.

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.techDot Tech LLCpiqueco.comView

DOT Tech, LLC is committed to implementing strong and integrated Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPM). Use of domain names that infringe upon the legal rights of others in the TLD will not be tolerated. The nature of such uses creates security and stability issues for the registry, Registrars, and Registrants, as well as for users of the Internet in general. DOT Tech, LLC will protect the legal rights of others by implementing RPMs and anti-abuse policies backed by robust responsiveness to complaints and requirements of DOT Tech, LLC’s Registrars.

Trademark Clearinghouse

Each new gTLD Registry will be required to implement support for, and interaction with, the Trademark Clearinghouse (“Clearinghouse”). The Clearinghouse is intended to serve as a central repository for information to be authenticated, stored, and disseminated pertaining to the rights of trademark holders. The data maintained in the Clearinghouse will support and facilitate other RPMs, including the mandatory Sunrise Period and Trademark Claims service.

Utilizing the Clearinghouse, all operators of new gTLDs must offer: (i) a Sunrise registration service for at least 30 days during the pre-launch phase giving eligible trademark owners an early opportunity to register second-level domains in new gTLDs; and (ii) a Trademark Claims Service for at least the first 60 days that second-level registrations are open. The Trademark Claims Service is intended to provide clear notice to a potential Registrant of the rights of a trademark owner whose trademark is registered in the Clearinghouse.

Sunrise A Period

DOT Tech, LLC will offer segmented Sunrise Periods. The initial Sunrise Period will last [minimum 30 days] for owners of trademarks listed in the Clearinghouse to register domain names that consist of an identical match of their listed trademarks. All domain names registered during the Sunrise Period will be subject to DOT Tech, LLC’s domain name registration policies. DOT Tech, LLC will assign 3-5 employees to specifically work as the Rights Protection Team, these employees will receive and authenticate all Sunrise Registrations. The DOT Tech, LLC RPM team will specifically deal with trademark protection issues and mitigate or assist in resolving any rights protection issues which arise during the Sunrise processes.

DOT Tech, LLC’s Registrar will ensure that all Sunrise Registrants meet sunrise eligibility requirements (SERs), which will be verified by Clearinghouse data. The proposed SERs include: (i) ownership of a mark that is (a) nationally or regionally registered and for which proof of use, such as a declaration and a single specimen of current use – was submitted to, and validated by, the Trademark Clearinghouse; or (b) that have been court-validated; or (c) that are specifically protected by a statute or treaty currently in effect and that was in effect on or before 26 June 2008, (ii) optional registry elected requirements concerning international classes of goods or services covered by registration; (iii) representation that all provided information is true and correct; and (iv) provision of data sufficient to document rights in the trademark.

Upon receipt of the Sunrise application, DOT Tech, LLC will issue a unique tracking number to the Registrar, which will correspond to that particular application. All applications will receive tracking numbers regardless of whether they are complete. Applications received during the Sunrise period will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon submission of all of the required information and documentation, Registrar will forward the information to DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team for authentication. DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will review the information and documentation, verify the trademark information, and notify the potential Registrant of any deficiencies. If a Registrant does not cure any trademark-related deficiencies and⁄or respond by the means listed within one (1) week, DOT Tech, LLC will notify its Registrar and the domain name will be released for registration.
DOT Tech, LLC will incorporate a Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy (SDRP). The SRDP will allow challenges to Sunrise Registrations by third parties for a ten-day period after acceptance of the registration based on the following four grounds: (i) at time the challenged domain name was registered, the Registrant did not hold a trademark registration of national effect (or regional effect) or the trademark had not been court-validated or protected by statute or treaty; (ii) the domain name is not identical to the mark on which the Registrant based its Sunrise registration; (iii) the trademark registration on which the Registrant based its Sunrise registration is not of national or regional effect or the trademark had not been court-validated or protected by statute or treaty; or (iv) the trademark registration on which the domain name Registrant based its Sunrise registration did not issue on or before the effective date of the Registry Agreement and was not applied for on or before ICANN announced the applications received.

After receiving a Sunrise Complaint, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will review the Complaint to see if the Complaint reasonably asserts a legitimate challenge as defined by the SDRP. If not, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will send an email to the Complainant within thirty-six (36) hours of sending the confirmation email that the subject of the complaint clearly does not fall within one of the delineated grounds as defined by the SDRP and that DOT Tech, LLC considers the matter closed.

If the domain name is not found to have adequately met the SERs, DOT Tech, LLC RPM Team will alert the Registrar and registry services provider to immediately suspend the resolution of the domain name. Thereafter, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will immediately notify the Sunrise Registrant of the suspension of the domain name, the nature of the complaint, and provide the Registrant with the option to respond within ten (10) days to cure the SER deficiencies or the domain name will be canceled.

If the Registrant responds within ten (10) business days, its response will be reviewed by DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team to determine if the SERs are met. If DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team is satisfied by the Registrant’s response, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will submit a request to the Registrar and the registry services provider to un-suspend the domain name. DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will then notify the Complainant that its complaint was ultimately denied and provide the reasons for the denial.

Names secured as described through the Sunrise AT⁄AD processes will result in the registration of resolving domain names at the registry. Names reserved through the Sunrise B process will not result in resolving domain name at DOT Tech, LLC. Rather, these names will be reserved and blocked from live use. The applied for string will resolve to an informational page informing visitors that the name is unavailable for registration and reserved from use.
Applications that fit the following criteria will be considered during the Sunrise A period: DOT Tech, LLC owns and operates an existing domain name in another gTLD or ccTLD, in connection with eligible commerce and satisfies the registration requirements described in Section 1.
Sunrise B
Applications that fit the following criteria will be considered during the Sunrise B period:
a) Applicant holds valid trademark registrations or owns rights to a particular name and wishes to block the use of such name.
b) The Applicant must seek to block a name that corresponds to the entire text of its trademark or the complete textual component of a graphical or compound trademark. Certain variances are permitted for trademarks containing spaces or special characters that are not available for domain names.
Founder’s Program
Applications for the Founder’s Program will be accepted after the close of the Sunrise Periods. Potential Registrants should understand that certain expectations, as described herein will accompany the issuance of a domain name under the Founder’s Program and all registrations resulting from this program will be required to follow the below listed guidelines, which will be further described in their Program Agreement:
a) Registrants awarded a domain through the Founder’s Program must use their best efforts to launch a “.TECH” website within 30 days of signing the Program Agreement.
b) In addition, each Registrant will be required to issue a press release announcing the launch of their “.TECH” Founder Website, concurrent with the launch of their “.TECH” Founder Website, said press release must be approved by DOT Tech, LLC;
c) Founders are expected to proactively market and promote “.TECH” gTLD in a manner that is likely to produce widespread awareness of the unique advantages gained through the “.TECH” string.
d) Founders will allow DOT Tech, LLC to use in good faith Founder’s name, likeness, trademarks, logos, and Application contents (other than Confidential Information,) as well as other Founder information and content as may be mutually agreed, in DOT Tech, LLC’s marketing, promotional and communications materials.
DOT Tech, LLC will randomly verify compliance of the above listed expectations and have the right to revoke any Founder’s site, should they be deemed non-compliant. Additionally, DOT Tech, LLC may suspend or delete a Founder’s site without prior notice to the Registrar or Registrant if the Founder’s site is deemed in violation of any of DOT Tech’s registration guidelines or policies.
Registrants participating in the Founders program will receive 25% discounted registration, renewal pricing and term extensions (not to exceed 5 years) from DOT Tech’s Registrars as recognition for their participation in the Founders Program.
Landrush is a limited time opportunity for companies that want to secure a high value “.TECH” name for a small fee (above the basic registration cost). The landrush period will last 30 days. Applications will be accepted and evaluated to determine if they meet the requirements for registration. At the end of the Landrush period domain names with only one application will be awarded directly to the Applicant. Domain names with two or more applications will proceed to a closed mini auction, between the respective Applicants, where the highest bidder wins.
General Availability Period
Applicant must meet all registration requirements.
Names will be awarded on a first-come, first serve basis which is determined as of the time of the initial request, not when authentication occurs.
Domain Name Contentions
Name contentions will arise when both a Sunrise A and Sunrise B application are submitted for the same name, the following actions will be taken to resolve the contention.
a) Both Applicants will be notified of the contention and the Sunrise A Applicant will be given first right to either register their requested domain or withdraw their application. A domain applied for under Sunrise A will, all else being equal, receive priority over the identical domain applied for under Sunrise B. Sunrise A names get priority over Sunrise B names.
b) If the Sunrise Applicant chooses to register their name regardless of the contention, then the Sunrise B Applicant may choose to pursue further action independently of DOT Tech, LLC to contest the name. These processes may include UDRP or Civil Court and are not connected to DOT Tech’s sunrise policies.
c) If two Sunrise A Applicants apply for the same domain name (i.e., Delta Airlines and Delta Faucet both seek to be awarded the use of DELTA.TECH) then DOT Tech, LLC will notify both Applicants of the contention and proceed to an auction process as described in Section 9.
d) If two Sunrise B Applicants apply for the same domain name (i.e., Delta Airlines and Delta Faucet, both seek to block the use of DELTA. UNO), then DOT Tech, LLC will accept both applications as valid and block the use of the indicated domain.
Appeal of Rejected Sunrise Applications
An Applicant can file a request for reconsideration within 10 days of the notification of DOT Tech, LLC’s rejection. Reconsideration can be requested by completing a reconsideration form and filing a reconsideration fee with DOT Tech, LLC. Forms, fee information, and process documentation will be available on the DOT Tech, LLC website. Upon receipt of the reconsideration form and the corresponding fee, DOT Tech, LLC or its Agents will re-examine the application, and notify the Registrant of all findings or additional information needed. The Request for Reconsideration must be submitted through the Registrant’s Registrar, and a reconsideration fee must be paid to DOT Tech, LLC.
Sunrise A names found to be in contention as described above will result in Auction. DOT Tech, LLC plans to have a qualified third party conduct our auction processes, therefore the rules contained in this document are subject to change based on the selection of an auctioneer:
a) All auction participants are expected to keep their account information current, throughout the auction process.
b) Auction participants will receive up to date communication from the auctioneer as the auction progresses, bidding status changes, or issues arise.
a) Auctions will follow a standard process flow: scheduled (upcoming), open and closed.
b) You will receive an “Auction Scheduled” notice at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled auction start date. You will receive an “Auction Start” notice on the auction start date, which will indicate that you may begin placing bids through the interface. Once closed, the auction is complete and if you are the winning bidder, you will proceed to the payment process.
c) If you choose to bid for a particular domain and you are the highest bidder at the end of an auction, you are obligated to complete the transaction and pay the Auctioneer the amount of your winning bid. Carefully consider your bids prior to placing them - bids are not retractable under any circumstances.
d) If no bids are placed on a particular domain, the Registry will register the domain on behalf of the first customer (in the respective phase) to submit an application through a Registrar.
a) A normal auction period is anticipated to last a minimum of 7 (seven) days. However, in the event of significant auction activity, an auction close may extend during the last twenty-four (24) hours of scheduled operation to better need the volume of the auction.
b) Auction extensions are meant to provide a mechanism that is fair for bidders in all time zones to respond to being outbid.
c) An auction extension will occur whenever the auction lead changes in the last twenty- four (24) hours of the schedule of an auction. The close will be revised to reflect a new closing time set at twenty- four (24) hours after the change in auction lead occurred. Essentially, this means that a winning maximum bid has to remain unchallenged for a period of twenty- four (24) hours before the auction will close.
d) It is important to note that extensions are not simply based on the auction value changing since this could occur as a result of proxy bidding where the same bidder retains their lead. In this case, the maximum bid has not changed, the leader has not changed and therefore no extension will occur.
Payment Default
In the event that you as the winning bidder decide not to honor your payment obligations (or in the event of a reversal of payment or a charge back by a credit card company or other payment provider) on any outstanding balance, the Registry has the right to cancel any⁄all of your winning registrations for any .INC domain name, regardless of whether they have been paid for or not. You do not have the right to “pick and choose” the names you wish to keep or not keep. Winning an auction creates an obligation to remit payment. Failure to remit payment is a breach of your agreement.. You will lose any previously won domains and will no longer be allowed to bid on any current or future auctions sponsored by DOT Tech, LLC. Participants are encouraged therefore to consider carefully each bid submitted as any bid could be a winning bid.
Trademark Claims Service

DOT Tech, LLC will offer a Trademark Claims Service to provide maximum protection and value to rights holders. The Trademark Claims Service will be monitored and operated by DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team that will receive all communications regarding the Trademark Claims Service and catalog them. DOT Tech, LLC’s Registrar will review all domain name requests to determine if they are an identical match of a trademark filed with the Trademark Clearinghouse. A domain name will be considered an identical match when the domain name consists of the complete and identical textual elements of the mark, and includes domain names where (a) spaces contained within a mark that are either replaced by hyphens (and vice versa) or omitted; (b) certain special characters contained within a trademark are spelled out with appropriate words describing it (e.g., @ and &); and (c) punctuation or special characters contained within a mark that are unable to be used in a second-level domain name are either (i) omitted or (ii) replaced by spaces, hyphens or underscores. Domain names that are plural forms of a mark, or that merely contain a mark, will not qualify as an identical match.

If the Registrar determines that a prospective domain name registration is identical to a mark registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse, the Registrar will be required to email a “Trademark Claims Notice” (Notice) in English to the protective Registrant of the domain name and copy DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team. The Notice will provide the prospective Registrant information regarding the trademark referenced in the Trademark Claims Notice to enhance understanding of the Trademark rights being claimed by the trademark holder. The Notice will be provided in real time without cost to the prospective Registrant.

After receiving the notice, the Registrar will provide the prospective Registrant five (5) days to reply to the Trademark Claims Service with a signed document that specifically warrants that: (i) the prospective Registrant has received notification that the mark is included in the Clearinghouse; (ii) the prospective Registrant has received and understood the notice; and (iii) to the best of the prospective Registrant’s knowledge the registration and use of the requested domain name will not infringe on the rights that are the subject of the notice. If the warranty document satisfies these requirements, the Registrar will effectuate the registration and notify DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team.

After the effectuation of a registration that is identical to a mark listed in the Trademark Clearinghouse, the Registrar will provide clear notice to the trademark owner consisting of the domain name that has been registered and copy DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team. The trademark owner then has the option of filing a Complaint under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) or the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS).

Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS)

DOT Tech, LLC will specify in the Registry Agreement, all RRAs, and all Registration Agreements used in connection with the TLD that it and its Registrars will abide by all decisions made by panels in accordance with the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS). DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will receive all URS Complaints and decisions, and will notify its Registrar to suspend all registrations determined by a URS panel to be infringing within a commercially reasonable time of receiving the decision. DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will catalog all abuse communications, but only provide them to third-parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)

DOT Tech, LLC will specify in the Registry Agreement, all Registry-Registrar Agreements, and Registration Agreements used in connection with the TLD that it will promptly abide by all decisions made by panels in accordance with the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will receive all UDRP Complaints and decisions, and will notify its Registrar to cancel or transfer all registrations determined to by a UDRP panel to be infringing within ten (10) business days of receiving the decision. DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will catalog all abuse communications, but only provide them to third-parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Proven Registrars

In order to reduce abusive registrations and other activities that affect the legal rights of others, DOT Tech, LLC will only contract with ICANN-accredited Registrars. The Registrar, according to the RRA, will not be able to register any domain names, thus eliminating the possibility of front-running.

Pre-Authorization and Authentication

Registrant authentication shall occur in accordance with the registration eligibility criteria and the Anti-Abuse Policy for “.TECH” as set forth in Question 28.

The verification process is designed to prevent a prospective Registrant from providing inaccurate or incomplete data, such that, if necessary, the Registrant can be readily contacted regarding an infringing use of its site; indeed, the process (including verification of a Registrant’s certificate of incorporation) is designed to ensure that only qualified members of the community are permitted to register in the TLD.

Thick WhoIs

DOT Tech, LLC will include a thick WhoIs database as required in Specification 4 of the Registry agreement. A thick WhoIs provides numerous advantages including a centralized location of Registrant information, the ability to more easily manage and control the accuracy of data, and a consistent user experience.

Takedown Procedure

DOT Tech, LLC will provide a Takedown Procedure modeled after the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s notice-and-takedown procedure.

At all times, DOT Tech, LLC will publish on its home website at NIC.TECH contact information for receiving rights protection complaints (Complaint) from rights holders, including but not limited to trademark and copyright Complaints. Complaints will be addressed to and received by DOT Tech, LLCs RPM Team who will catalogue and ticket in DOT Tech, LLC’s CRM software and review as outlined herein. DOT Tech, LLC will catalog all rights protection communications and only provide them to third parties under limited circumstances, such as in response to a subpoena or other such court order or demonstrated official need by law enforcement.

Any Complaint from a rights holder will be relayed to DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team. A member of DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will then send an email to the Complainant within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the Complaint confirming receipt of the email, and that DOT Tech, LLC will notify the Complainant of the results of the Complaint within (10) days of receiving the Complaint.

After sending the confirmation email, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will review the Complaint. If DOT Tech, LLC or its Registrar determines that the registration was in bad faith, DOT Tech, LLC or its Registrar may cancel or suspend the resolution of the domain name. Bad faith registration includes, but is not limited to, the registration of a domain identical to a registered trademark where the Registrant has proceeded with registration after receipt of a Clearinghouse notice, as described above.

If the Registrant responds within ten (10) business days, its response will be reviewed by the DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team. If DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team is satisfied by the Registrant’s response that the content has been taken down or is not infringing, DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will un-suspend the domain name. DOT Tech, LLC’s RPM Team will then notify the Complainant that its complaint was ultimately denied and provide the reasons for the denial. If the Registrant does not respond within ten (10) business days, DOT Tech, LLC or its Registrar may cancel or suspend the resolution of the domain name.

This Takedown Procedure will not prejudice any party’s election to pursue another dispute mechanism, such as URS or UDRP, as set forth in DOT Tech, LLC’s response to Question 28.