
15(b) Describe the process used for development of the IDN tables submitted, including consultations and sources used

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.شبكةInternational Domain Registry Pty. Ltd.ariservices.comView
This language table is identical to the language tables in use for the .emarat and .qatar IDN ccTLDs. These language tables were developed by the respective regulators from these ccTLDs in conjunction with ARI Registry Services (ARI),our registry service partner. Other regulators for TLDs allocated as part of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process also use the same table, including the .masr IDN ccTLD for Egypt.

The table was derived from work done in the Arabic Script IDN Working Group, a self-organising group consisting of linguists, language experts and registries, and follows the guidelines specified in the Linguistic Guidelines for the Use of the Arabic Language in Internet Domains (RFC 5564).

The use of this language table in other Arabic IDN ccTLDs represents a de-facto standard in the region. Using this common language table adds to the stability of Arabic domain names globally.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.العليانOlayan Investments Company Establishmentrodenbaugh.comView
15(b) This language table is identical to the language tables in use for the .emarat and .qatar IDN ccTLDs. These language tables were developed by the respective regulators from these ccTLDs in conjunction with ARI Registry Services (ARI), our registry service partner. Other regulators for TLDs allocated as part of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process also use the same table, including the .masr IDN ccTLD for Egypt.

The table was derived from work done in the Arabic Script IDN Working Group, a self-organising group consisting of linguists, language experts and registries, and follows the guidelines specified in the Linguistic Guidelines for the Use of the Arabic Language in Internet Domains (RFC 5564).

The use of this language table in other Arabic IDN ccTLDs represents a de-facto standard in the region. Using this common language table adds to the stability of Arabic domain names globally.