18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.hotelFegistry, LLCfegistry.comView

Fegistryʹs mission for .hotel is to create a recognizable, viable, and profitable extension to bring together individuals and companies who are passionate about self-identifying themselves as in the hotel industry. There are thousands of hotels and hotel related businesses on the Internet and a registrant can create a website that identifies itself directly in the TLD. It seems fitting, as ICANN opens up an unprecedented and innovative program to expand how we use and identify with the Internet, that use cases like .hotel should be allowed as well. We are creating the opportunity for internet users to identify websites that operate in or around the hotel industry by looking just at the TLD. By owning a domain in the .hotel community it creates a win-win for most companies because they don’t need to identify to the left of the dot they are a hotel related website.
It is our goal to be a financially successful company, solvent throughout our launch and profitable within our first year of operations. We believe this is an eventual reality and that our projections and financial analysis included in this application demonstrate this. We hope to grow at a rate that allows us to continually improve our registry offerings, and increase benefits for both our customers and employees. Our commitments and projections at this time are focused on conservative estimates of our revenue in order to best prepare for a TLD market with the possibility of 100,000+ TLDs in the next decade. We don’t expect the demand for domains under our TLD to be big. Perhaps up to 10,000 registrations by the end of year 3, however we do have investors and a technical team that will stand behind the company if projections are higher than we anticipate.

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