20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .CPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | markmonitor.com | View |
i. The Applicant is a corporation whose main purpose is to provide members with the resources, information and leadership that enable them to provide valuable services in the highest professional manner to benefit the public, employers and clients. The Applicant set the professional and administrative standards for all CPA in the United States. The Applicant both administers and grades the professional examination required to obtain a CPA. In fulfilling its mission, the AICPA works with state CPA organizations and gives priority to those areas where public reliance on CPA skills is most significant. It is the AICPA members – whose number currently amounts to about 377,000 members in 128 countries – and their needs that the Applicant is committed to serve since its establishment more than 100 years ago.
More information with respect to the Applicant can be found at its website: http:⁄⁄www.cpa.org
ii. The Applicant is incorporated in the District of Columbia in the United States.
AICPA has established certain membership categories and an organizational and governance structure which can be briefly described as follows;
a. Membership categories:
– Regular membership: You hold a valid and current CPA license and have passed either the Uniform CPA exam or the International Qualification Examination (IQEX). You held a CPA license in the past that was not revoked for disciplinary reasons and have passed either the Uniform CPA exam or the International Qualification Examination (IQEX). You have completed the requirements for CPA licensure as defined by the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA), but you have never been licensed.
– Associate membership: You have passed the CPA Exam, but have never been certified as a CPA and have never been a Regular Member of the AICPA.
– International associate: You are a full, regular member of one of the following organizations provided you adhere to the membership and eligibility requirements of the AICPA:
Australia - Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Canada - Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
England and Wales - Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Germany - Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW)
Hong Kong - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
Ireland - Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)
Japan - Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA)
Mexico - Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos (IMCP)
New Zealand - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA)
Scotland - Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
South Africa - South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
– Non-CPA Associate membership: Apply to be a Non-CPA Associate Member if you have not passed the Uniform CPA Examination or the IQEX, and meet one of the following requirements. You are an owner of a public accounting firm that employs at least one senior level employee who is a current AICPA Regular Member (Voting) of the AICPA. You are a professional staff member in a public accounting firm that employs at least one senior level employee who is a current AICPA Regular Member (Voting) of the AICPA. You are a financial professional in a business, government, not-for-profit organization or in a consulting or law firm, and a current AICPA Regular Member (Voting) is willing to sponsor your application. You are a full-time business or accounting educator at an accredited college or university.
– Affiliate membership: You have received a current Notice to Schedule and will sit for the Uniform CPA Examination.
Considering this, the membership of AICPA is clearly delineated.
b. Organizational structure:
– AICPA shall include the members, the Council of AICPA, the Board of Directors, officers and committees;
- The Board of Directors from time to time organize the committees and staff of the AICPA into divisions and may adopt rules of procedure and operating policies for such divisions;
c. Governance structure:
– Council: The governing body of AICPA is the Council. Council is composed of members of AICPA directly elected by the membership in each state; representatives of the recognized state societies of CPAs; 21 members-at-large; all the members of the Board of Directors; all past presidents of AICPA; all past chairmen of the board of AICPA;
– Board of Directors: Between meetings of the Council, the activities of AICPA are directed by the Board of Directors, the composition of which shall be prescribed by the Council;
– Officers: Officers of AICPA elected by the Council shall be a chairman of the Board of Directors and a vice chairman of the board, who shall be the chairman of the board nominee, both of whom shall be members possessing valid and unrevoked certified public accountant certificates. The chairman and the vice chairman of the board shall have such terms of office, powers, and privileges as the Council may prescribe.
Both the organizational and the governance structure of the Applicant demonstrate that it is a clearly organized organization.
iii. Founded in 1887, the AICPA represents the CPA profession nationally regarding rule-making and standard-setting, and serves as an advocate before legislative bodies, public interest groups and other professional organizations. The AICPA develops standards for audits of private companies and other services by CPAs; provides educational guidance materials to its members; develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination; and monitors and enforces compliance with the profession’s technical and ethical standards.
The AICPA’s founding established accountancy as a profession distinguished by rigorous educational requirements, high professional standards, a strict code of professional ethics, a licensing status and a commitment to serving the public interest.
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