gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .CPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | | View |
i. The Applicant is the leading national organization of all entities affiliated with AICPA. As explained in the reply to Question 20 (a) above, there are different national and state accounting professional societies associated with AICPA that – while being independent legal entities – are affiliated with the Applicant.
ii. The Applicant – that is to say, its management board – is accountable to the Governing Council (GC) of AICPA, which is the main governing body of the Applicant. The GC appoints the management board of AICPA and is also responsible for granting discharge to the management board. The majority of the members of the general assembly is [look at By-Laws]. Ultimately, it is therefore the AICPA members who attend the GC – hold the Applicant accountable to its members.
Therefore, there is a clear governance and organizational structure in place with the Applicant, AICPA.
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .ADAC | Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC) | | View |
1) The Applicant is the umbrella organization of all entities affiliated with ADAC. As explained in the reply to Question 20 (a) above, there are different regional clubs and local clubs organized within ADAC that – while being independent legal entities – are affiliated with the Applicant. The statutes of both regional and local clubs contain certain uniform provisions which safeguard that all organizations within ADAC adhere to the objectives laid down in ADAC`s statutes.
2) The Applicant – that is to say, its management board – is accountable to the general assembly of ADAC, which is the main governing body of the Applicant. The general assembly appoints the management board of ADAC and is also responsible for granting discharge to the management board. The majority of the members of the general assembly is delegated by the regional clubs. Ultimately, it is therefore the ADAC members who – via their representatives nominated in the regional clubs who attend the general assembly – hold the Applicant accountable to its members.
Therefore, there is a clear governance and organizational structure in place with the Applicant, ADAC.