22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.weatherchannelThe Weather Channel, LLCweather.comView

The Weather Channel will adhere to the relevant provisions of Specification 5 of the New gTLD Agreement.

* All two-character labels will be initially reserved, and released only upon agreement The Weather Channel and the relevant government and country code manager.
* At the second level, country and territory names will be reserved at the second and other levels according to these standards:
o Short form (in English) of country and territory names documented in ISO 3166-1 list
o Names of countries and territories as documented by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World
o The list of United Nations member states in six official UN languages, as prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.

Should it consider a proposal to release these reserved names, The Weather Channel will develop, in consultation with the GAC and ICANN, such a proposal and seek approval accordingly.

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