18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.brusselsDNS.be vzwdns.beView

Response to Question 18a - Mission⁄Purpose

Applicant is introducing the application for the .brussels gTLD with the support of the Government of the Brussels Region.

Applicant (DNS.be vzw) is the registry operator for .be, the country code TLD for Belgium. Belgium is a federal state that consists of a federal governmental level (representing the country) and several regional governmental levels (representing the different regions Flanders (Vlaanderen), Brussels (Brussel⁄Bruxelles) and Wallonia (Wallonie)) and each having distinct competences. Both the federal level and the regional levels have their own Governments and Parliaments, responsible for policy making and execution. The federal level is competent for matters such as defense, justice, foreign policy, interior⁄home affairs and social security while the regional levels have authority for matters such as economic affairs, foreign trade, energy, housing, education, employment, environment, social welfare, transport, culture and sport.

The Government of the Brussels Region, representing in this perspective both the Brussels Region as the city of Brussels, decided to participate in the new gTLD application program with the aim of having the gTLD .brussels attributed to the Applicant. The Government of the Brussels Region published an official request for proposals (RFP) on 7 March 2012 in the Official Journal of the European Union in order to award a service concession contract to a private partner. The private partner would be responsible for applying for the gTLD .brussels through ICANN’s new gTLD program and if attributed by ICANN for managing the gTLD as its registry operator for a period of 10 years. DNS.be vzw responded to the RFP by submitting a proposal and was subsequently selected by the Government of the Brussels Region and awarded the service concession contract on 22 March 2012.

According to the Applicant, the purpose of the TLD is manifold, as will be further explained below:

i. enable inhabitants, companies, organizations and local government institutions the usage of specific domain names that are closely linked with the geographical region and city in which they are residing;
ii. enhance the digital presence of the Brussels Region and the city of Brussels;
iii. strengthen the visibility of Brussels as a region and as a brand name and enhance city marketing possibilities for Brussels as capital city of Belgium⁄Europe;
iv. allow interested parties from within and outside the Brussels Region to make use of the new gTLD in order to reach potential customers of the region with their offer for services or goods;
v. having a gTLD, matching its geographical name, at its disposal will allow the Brussels Region and the city of Brussels to further develop their identity both on-line as off-line.

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