18(b) How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .政府 | Net-Chinese Co., Ltd. | net-chinese.com.tw | View |
This new .政府 gTLD is innovative to create a one-shop show room, where all the official websites of governments around the world can be accessed by visitors with Chinese backgrounds. The Registry for the new .政府 gTLD is, in fact, applying to create and operate a registry business supporting the Internetʹs domain name system. This involves a number of significant responsibilities as the operator of the new .政府 gTLD Registry. Therefore, the Registry will provide the Registry Services as required in the ICANN-Registry Agreement.
18-2-2 What do you anticipate your proposed gTLD will add to the current space, in terms of competition, differentiation, or innovation?
As the Internet is playing a dominant role in the governmental functions, each government, central or local, looks beyond its traditional jurisdiction. An on-lined identity is critical and an internationalized domain name is a logical next growth step. For example, if the New York City Government would like to establish an on-lined identity in the Chinese world, a newyorkcity.政府, 紐約市.政府or NYC.政府 address may be best for communicating with prospective visitors from China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. The .政府 will provide both Chinese and English registration at the second level to fulfill the needs of the global.
A new IDN .政府 gTLD provides specific services for a specialized community that has unique needs not otherwise served by a ccTLD or other existing gTLDs. The introduction or expansion of IDN gTLDs with .政府has promoted competition, users’ trust and governmental choice.
Unlike ccTLDs also, which provides for a local audience, .政府 gTLD will allow the users to express a relevance in the public sector in order to identify the IDN name of governments and distinguish the services or information from the private sector.
The introduction or expansion of IDN gTLDs with .政府 has promoted innovation in the domain name market by using the equivalent word of government in Chinese to connect the governments around the world with the Chinese Internet users.
18-2-3 What goals does your proposed gTLD have in terms of user experience?
.政府is a highly recognizable string in Chinese characters that is short, easy to remember, versatile but specific and focused on governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services. It captures the essence of the Chinese-speaking or non Chinese-speaking people, places and communities served and it is a sustainable phrase that will not easily become obsolete. .政府 traverses a broad region yet elicits a clear concept and coherence of the community, providing Applicants tremendous value in establishing an Internet presence with global recognition and regional significance.
For the users with Chinese background, it is easier and more convenient for them to identify the name of the government and distinguish the services or information from the private sector.
18-2-4 Provide a complete description of the applicant’s intended registration policies in support of the goals listed above
1. Launch Timeline
(1) Registry Reserved Names
The Registry will reserve certain names from registration in the .政府gTLD , including but not limited to the names appearing on the list of ICANN reserved gTLD names. To protect geographic names, the Registry will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the“Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Currently TWNIC has constituted a Domain Name Committee which comprises 17 members from a variety of stakeholders. The reserved names will be expended to different dimensions and reviewed by TWNIC Domain Name Committee.
(2) Applicant Identification Verification Process
On the purpose of providing worldwide registration service without limitations of border, barrier, and discrimination, the names under the .政府gTLD will be made available for Applicants who are the authorized representatives of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services. The Applicant Identification Verification Process will be operated and designed to confirm the application and validate contact information for prospective Registrants.
(3) Sunrise Period
This is a pre-launch design providing a period of application submission time for those qualified applicants to submit Registration Requests for .政府 gTLD names corresponding to its purpose. If applicable, the Trademark Clearinghouse will be adopted to fulfill pre-launch period rights protection mechanisms (RPMs). These RPMs will consist of a Trademark Claims Service and a Sunrise Period.
(4) General Availability
Following the opening of general registrations: any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services may apply on a first-come, first-served basis to register .政府 gTLD names. The Registry and Registrar will not implement the substantive document review.
When applying to register to the registration of a domain name, the Applicant shall bear sole liability if any information provided by the Applicant is erroneous, false, or infringes any right or interest of a third party:
- The content of all information stated on the domain name registration application form is true, complete, and accurate.
- To the Applicantʹs knowledge, the domain name for which the Applicant applies for registration does not infringe any right or interest of a third party.
- The Applicant is not applying for registration of, and will not use, the domain name out of any improper purpose or in knowing violation of any laws or regulations. The Applicant shall warrant that all information provided in the domain name registration application form is true, complete and accurate.
The Registry and the Registrar shall have the right to cancel the domain name registration if the Applicant in violation to the application rules.
2. Registration of .政府 gTLD Names
Registration Requests for .政府gTLD names may be submitted only by an ICANN-accredited Registrar. The Registry may reject a Registration Request, or may delete, revoke, suspend, cancel or transfer a Registration in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Registry-Registrant Agreement.
3. Term
.政府gTLD names may be registered for a period of no less than one (1) year and no more than ten (10) years, commencing on the date on which the Registration Request submitted by an ICANN-accredited Registrar is created by the Registry. All Registration Requests must specify the registration period. It is the obligation of the ICANN-accredited Registrar, and not the Registry, to notify a Registrant in advance of the termination or expiration of a Registration.
4. Payment to the Registry
The Registry will not accept a Registration Request, and will not renew a Registration at the end of the applicable Term unless it has received payment in full from the applicable ICANN-accredited Registrar. Names subject to a Registration Request or names that result in a Registration will be released in accordance with Registry Policies and ICANN Requirements.
5. Registry-Registrant Agreement
Prior to submitting a Registration Request, the ICANN-accredited Registrar must secure the affirmative consent of the Applicant to the terms and conditions of the Registry-Registrant Agreement, as amended from time to time and posted on the Registry Website.
6. Trademark Claims Notice
At the close of the Sunrise Period, if more than one Sunrise application is made for a domain name, all Sunrise Applicants for that domain name will be notified of the claims made by the other Sunrise Applicants for that name.
By submitting a Registration Request, Applicant agrees that the Registry and⁄or its authorized Trademark Clearinghouse is authorized to share information relating to Applicant’s Registration Request with other Applicants, as indicated in the Trademark Claims Notice above. In the event any Sunrise Applicant proceeds with a Registration Request, such Applicant will be deemed on notice of the Trademark Claims submitted by the other Sunrise Applicant(s) and may not claim lack of notice with regard to such Applicant(s) in any subsequent dispute proceeding.
7. Certification ⁄ Liability
The Applicant shall warrant that all information provided in the domain name registration application form is true, complete and accurate. The Registry and the Registrar shall have the right to cancel the domain name registration if the Applicant in violation to the application rules.
By submitting a Registration Request, Applicants acknowledge, agree, and accept sole and direct liability for damages suffered by any third party injured as a consequence of a Registration Request of a name in the .政府gTLD under this policy.
8. Determinations
The determinations of the Registry and its authorized Trademark Clearinghouse regarding any Registration Requests shall be final and non-appealable; provided, however, that such determination will not affect rights Applicants may have under applicable law, ICANN policies, or Registry-provided dispute resolution procedures.
9. General Availability
During General Availability, Registration Requests made by any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services will be allocated by the Registry through ICANN-accredited Registrars on a first-come, first-served basis subject to the Registry Policies and ICANN Requirements.
10. Preventing Abusive Registrations
The Registry will authenticate any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the government as part of the .政府 gTLD name registration process. As part of this process, the Registry will validate contact information for the Registrant and secure the Registrant’s affirmative consent to the Registry-Registrant Agreement. The Applicant Identification Verification Process must be completed before a domain name is permitted to resolve in the .政府 gTLD.
All Registrants agree to participate in and abide by any determinations made as part the Registry’s dispute resolution procedures, including the Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Procedure (CEDRP), the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS), and ICANN‘s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
The Registry has selected a neutral third-party as its dispute resolution service provider for the CEDRP, URS, and UDRP procedures. The detailed rules, procedures, and fees for the dispute resolution service provider will be published on the Registry Website.
11. Committee of Registry
Net-Chinese is authorized by TWNIC to submit the application of .政府 gTLD, and TWNIC will fully support the registry operation, back-end, and financial expenditure for this application and operation after delegation.
Primary decision-making responsibility at TWNIC lies with the Board of Directors and Supervisors, which oversees the main committees. These committees are responsible for domain names, IP addresses and protocol, international affairs, and network security respectively.
As indicated above, the Domain Name Committee has been responsibility for forming domain name registration policies for .tw, .台灣, and .台湾. The Committee is composed of total of 17 members from departments of governmental information, communication and technology, private-sectors, law institutions, and end users presenting diversified qualification and expertise. Based on the past experiences, The Registry will follow current mechanism to work with TWNIC Domain Name Committee on the Registry operation for .政府.
In making this decision, TWNIC already possesses a production-proven registry system that can be quickly deployed and smoothly operated over its robust, flexible, and scalable world-class infrastructure. TWNIC will provide the highest level of service while delivering a secure, stable and comprehensive registry platform. TWNIC’s Registry Services platform to deploy .政府 registry, by providing all the Registry Services required by ICANN and its customers.
After a screening and selection process, the Registry will collaborate with Registrars accredited by Net-Chinese by signing a Registry-Registrar Agreement. In full compliance with the ICANN’s policies and rules and the Registry’s duties and responsibilities arising under the ICANN-Registry Agreement, accredited Registrars are bound to promote the brand name awareness of .政府 gTLD and provide professional services in domain name registration for the customers.
The Registry is firmly committed to the protection of trademark rights and to implement the mandatory rights protection mechanisms contained in the Applicant Guidebook and detailed in Specification 7 of the ICANN-Registry Agreement. The Registry will implement the following rights protection mechanisms in accordance with the Applicant Guidebook as further described below:
- Trademark Clearinghouse: a one-stop shop where trademark holders can protect their trademarks with a single registration
- Sunrise and Trademark Claims processes
- Implementation of the UDRP and the rules of UDRP to address domain names that have been registered and used in bad faith
- Uniform Rapid Suspension: A quicker, more efficient and cheaper alternative to the UDRP to deal with clear cut cases of cybersquatting
- Implementation of a Thick WHOIS making it easier for trademark holders to identify and locate infringing parties
18-2-5 Will your proposed gTLD impose any measures for protecting the privacy or confidential information of registrants or users? If so, please describe any such measures.
The Registry understands how important privacy or confidential information is to users. This privacy policy explains how we process information that identifies users personally, when users:
- visit websites operated by Net-Chinese (“Registry Websites”);
- register for .政府 gTLD names.
1. This privacy policy applies only to Personal Information that Net-Chinese collects from and about Registrants or users. It does not apply to information collected by Registrars or third parties when Registrants or users apply to register a .政府 gTLD name with them nor does it apply to information collected on third party sites that Registrants or users may access via a link on Registry Websites.
By using Registry Websites or services, including without limitation by registering or reserving a .政府 gTLD name, Registrants or users consent to the collection, use, processing, and transfer of Registrants’ or users’ Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Registrants or users consent to the collection, use, processing, and⁄or disclosure of Registrants or users’ sensitive information and their Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
2. Information Registrants or Users Provided on Registry Websites:
The Registry collects Personal Information that Registrants or users directly provide on any Registry Websites, for example, when Registrants or users submit a question or comment, request to receive updates from the Registry, or submit information regarding Registrants’ or users’ interest in a .政府 gTLD name. The registry also collects information that Registrants or users post on public forums or in chat rooms on Registry Websites.
3. Information Collected Automatically on Registry Websites:
When Registrants or users visit Registry Websites, the Registry servers automatically log certain information including without limitation: the type of browser Registrants or users are using, IP address, other information about Registrants or users’ geographic location, and the domain name of Registrants or users’ Internet service provider.
The Registry’s servers also log information about Registrants’ or users’ activity on Registry Websites, including without limitation the time and date of their visits, the pages they view on any Registry Website, Registrants or users’ responses to offerings and advertisements (if any) presented on the Registry Websites, and the searches they perform, including without limitation any WHOIS searches.
4. Use of Personal Information Collected on Registry Websites:
The Registry uses Personal Information collected on all Registry Websites to operate and improve those Registry Websites, to fulfill Registrants or users’ requests and respond to their inquiries, to understand how Registrants or users use the Registry Websites, and to personalize the content and advertisements Registrants or users see on those Registry Websites.
5. Collection, Use, & Disclosure of Personal Information from Domain Name Registrants:
The Registry collects Personal Information when Applicants apply for the Applicant Identification Verification Process as well as when they apply to register a .政府 gTLD name through any of the ICANN-accredited Registrars.
6. Information Collected in Connection with .政府 gTLD Name Registration
The Registry collects Registrants or users’ personal information with regard to the Applicant Identification Verification Process, trademark rights Information, registration Information, and monitoring Information.
7.Use of Information Collected for .政府 gTLD Name Registrations:
The Registry uses Registrants or users’ personal information with regard to the Applicant Identification Verification Process, trademark rights Information, registration Information and monitoring Information. The Registry also uses this information to operate its business in the ordinary course, improve the Registry’s services, develop new services, and to inform Registrants or users about services that may be of interest to them.
8. Disclosure of Personal Information
The Registry discloses Registration Information to the public in the form of Whois records, as required by ICANN. The Registry does not disclose Registrants or users’ age-related information, credit card information, or other supplemental information used to verify Registrants or users’ identification to the public in the form of Whois records.
The Registry does not share Registrants or users’ sensitive information, Personal Information, identification Information, Trademark Rights Information, or Registration Information with third parties without Registrants or users’ affirmative consent unless it is required otherwise.
The Registry may use agents and contractors in order to help operate the Registry Websites, provide the Registry’s service offerings, and to operate the Registry’s business. Registrants or users expressly consent to the sharing of their Personal Information with the Registry’s agents, contractors and service providers under the premise.
18-2-6 Describe whether and in what ways outreach and communications will help to achieve your projected benefits.
As the partner of .政府 and a world-renowned company specialized in domain name registration and management, Net-Chinese often makes its corporate information available to the public by regularly launching marketing campaigns and other activities to strengthen public relations. Net-Chinese often announces company-related news and corporate insights for public information. Besides these PR campaigns, Net-Chinese launches from time to time marketing initiatives to gain favorable publicity, including traditional, on-lined and other media advertisements. Net-Chinese leverages with different media to target diversified Internet users.
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