24 Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .政府 | Net-Chinese Co., Ltd. | net-chinese.com.tw | View |
Question 24 Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance
24-1 Plan for Operation A Robust and Reliable SRS
TWNIC is responsible for .tw, .kn, .台灣 and .台湾domain name registrations, managements and has provided registration service to ensure the best interests of Internet users since 2000.
Net Chinese has partnered with TWNIC which is an experienced TLD registry operator, for the operation of the .政府 Registry. TWNIC is confident that the plan in place for the operation of a robust and reliable Shared Registration System (SRS) as currently provided by TWNIC will satisfy the criterion established by ICANN.
The SRS system manages the domain registration in the .政府Registry TLD. Registrars connect to this system to submit their domain registration requests by creating a TCP⁄IP over SSL session with the .政府Registry. There will be firewall, load balance devices and multiple servers to provide SRS service.
TWNIC will use EPP as interface for registrars to access registry database, which comply with Specification 6 and 10 in Registry Agreement.
Compliance with Specification 6 Section 1.2
A core set of RFCs that standardize the interface that make up the registry-registrar model define Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP). The standards of EPP are described and embodied in many IETF RFCs, ICANN contracts and practices, and registry-registrar agreements. The SRS implementation for .政府 will fully follow the Specification 6, including section 1.2. The SRS interface supports EPP 1.0 as defined in the following RFCs shown in Table 24-1 (Q24_attachment):
Additional information on the EPP implementation and compliance with RFCs can be found in the response to Question 25.
Compliance with Specification 10
The performance specifications of the TLD, including service level requirements related EPP is defined in specification 10 of the New TLD Agreement. The requirements for Availability and transaction response time measurements are both included. For a long time, TWNIC performs its high quality registry services that exceed the performance specifications requested in ICANN’s agreements. Thus, the same level of high quality registry services of .政府is assured and the registry services will surely meet the requirements in the new agreement. In Table 24-2 (Q24_attachment), TWNIC’s performance is depicted.
24-1-1 High-level SRS System Description
The .政府 TLD registry⁄registrar model is a thick registry which store contacts and authentication details in the registry’s central database. Under this model, registrars must deal with registry to upload domain name details to central database.
TWNIC will use EPP as the registry registrar interface, which has capability to create, update and delete domain name, contact information and nameservers to registry database and it is flexible and extensible to add data-field to support IDN and DNSSEC.
Details about EPP please reference Question 25.
24-1-2 Network Diagram
The network design provides the infrastructure necessary to install and implement an enterprise network. The design includes solutions for a number of functional areas:
- Network Architecture
- Network Cabling Infrastructure
- Network Hardware
- Network Management
- Host and Server Integration
24-1-2-1 Network Architecture
The Network Architecture defines the three network infrastructure components (fiber optic backbone, local distribution, and wide area connectivity) discussed in this design and provides a graphical illustration of how these three components combine to form the Enterprise Network. The network diagram is shown in Figure 24-1 (Q24_attachment).
It also describes the logical connectivity of the network hardware as a preface to the discussion in the Network Hardware section.
24-1-2-2 Network Cabling Infrastructure
The next section of the design is the Network Cabling Infrastructure. The proposed solution is based on a hierarchical star wiring topology which is capable of supporting existing and future networking technologies. The solution proposed is compliant with the EIA⁄TIA 568 standards for structured building wiring. This guarantees that the network infrastructure will fully meet the current and long term information needs.
24-1-2-3 Network Hardware
The Network Hardware portion of the design offers a solution from Cisco as the recommended network concentrator manufacturer. We have based our selection on several factors which are explained in detail later in this design.
24-1-2-3 Network Management
In the Network Management section, we propose two levels of network management functionality: Enterprise-wide and Facility Management.
The Enterprise Network Management solution provides a platform and application software functionality with the power to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot any network concentrator or router throughout the network. This solution is designed to facilitate centralized day-to-day management and monitoring of the network.
The Facility Management capability provides a scaled-down capability for local network configuration and complete desktop management functionality within the facility. The facility management package permits the local network administrator to perform complete configuration of network concentrators (such as port assignments) and management of user applications, workstation configuration, and applications metering on network servers.
24-1-2-4 Host and Server Integration
The Network Host and Server Integration section provides solutions for each of the network hosts and servers defined in the near-term IS applications plan and to make sure the plan can be deployment on each service node on IDC.
24-1-3 Number of Servers
As depicted in the SRS network diagram, TWNIC operates a high availability architecture where at each level of the stack there are no single points of failures. Each of the network level devices runs with dual pairs as do the databases. For the .政府 registry, the SRS will operate with 8 servers (include spare servers).
24-1-4 Description of Interconnectivity with Other Registry Systems
The two database servers is Oracle 10g with Oracle replication which sync near real-time. Each EPP servers connect to the two databases simultaneously. This model allows for high performance while also ensuring protection of data. See response to Question 33 for more detail.
24-1-5 Frequency of Synchronization between Servers
The database servers sync each other near real-time by Oracle replication mechanism. As EPP servers are the front end of databases to do protocol translate, there is no need to synchronize each other. WHOIS and DNS servers update are trigger by stored procedure, it may a few seconds delay.
24-1-6 Synchronization Scheme
The database servers and EPP servers are running in load sharing mode, Oracle servers are replicate by Oracle replication.
24-2 Resourcing Plans
TWNIC SRS implementation is very mature, and has been in production for over 10 years. At the initial stage, use existing system architecture and performance tuning will be used.
TWNIC supports all the necessary resources indicated in gTLD Applicant Guidebook and Registry Agreement. The following resources will be provided by TWNIC to support the .政府 TLD operation(Table 24-3, Q24_attachment).
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