18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.helsinkiCity of Helsinkihel.fiView

The new .helsinki domain names will be granted to the different City departments and other City units by the City of Helsinki Economic and Planning Centre, IT department, in collaboration with the City of Helsinki Administration Centre, Communications Office. The Communications Office will decide whether the new names proposed by the City departments are adequate from the communication and marketing point of view, and the IT department will decide whether there are any technical problems connected with the proposed names. If there are multiple applications for the same name, the Communications Office will decide who will get the domain name in question. This procedure is already in use in www.hel.fi.

All domain names will be granted free of charge, and only to the City departments and other units which belong to the City of Helsinki, like the City subsidiaries and foundations.

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