23 Provide name and full description of all the Registry Services to be provided
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .durban | UniForum SA (NPC) trading as ZA Central Registry | dundas.co.za | View |
1 Synopsis
This chapter provides a description of the registry services provided by the
ZA Central Registry including domain provisioning services, domain and
contact publishing services, zone publishing services, and services for inter-
acting with accredited registrars, registrants, oversight bodies and statutory
bodies such as the judiciary and accredited dispute resolution providers.
2 ZA Central Registry Details
Registry Name:- UniForum SA trading as the ZA Central Registry.
Registry Address:- PO Box 4620, Halfway House, 1685, South Africa.
Registry Contact Number:- +27113140077
Registry Fax Number:- +27113140077
Registry eMail:- gtld@registry.net.za
Registry URL:- http:⁄⁄www.coza.net.za and http:⁄⁄registry.net.za
3 ZA Central Registry Background
UniForum SA, trading as the ZA Central Registry, was established as a non-
profit organisation in 1988 by a group of end users, developers, and vendors
who got together to form a professional association that would promote and
exchange information on open systems. It was handed the responsibility of
administering the CO.ZA domain name space in 1995 because it was seen
as not only having the technical skills to do so but also seen as committed
to neutrality and unity of purpose.
At startup the co.za zone contained around 400 entries. Today, with over
750000 domains in the co.za zone amounting to over 95 % of the total
registrations in the .ZA top level domain are to be found in the co.za domain
and within the top 20 registries world wide.
Over the years UniForum SA played active roles in the internet industry
including, but not limited to, the following
* establishing the alternate dispute resolution process for adjudicating
domain name disputes in the co.za domain.
* translating the CO.ZA registry web site into all 11 official languages
of South Africa as far back as 2001.
* cooperating with a range of other industry bodies to drive the growth
of the South African Internet. We joined the South African Internet
Service Providers Association (ISPA) in 1996, and have since worked
with ISPA on a range of web and social responsibility projects.
* sponsoring and participating in the ISPA ʹTrain the Teachersʹ initia-
* by addressing and sponsoring learner education, educator development
and the provision of IT infrastructure and curriculum development
through the Mindset Computer Science Curriculum project, COZA
Cares School of the Month project and ISPA Teacher Training initia-
* participating in important debates, for example, by making contribu-
tions to parliamentary discussions about important laws with wide-
reaching consequences for South African Internet users such as the
Electronic Communications and Transactions Bill, providing regular
input to the ZADNA on domain related issues and providing regular
DNS training to the South African Internet community at large.
* transitioning the CO.ZA registration into a world class EPP registry.
* collaborating with South African Domain Name Authority (ZADNA)
in transitioning into the ZA Central Registry in order to administer
all open second level domains including .org.za, .net.za, and .web.za
as 2nd level domains in .ZA.
In summary, UniForum SA has served as a non-profit organisation that exists
for the good of the South African Internet. We are proud to have remained
true to the basic premise that surplus funds raised beyond covering our
expenses are invested back into the greater Internet community. Although
our role and the way forward might be changing, our principles and ideals
have remained constant for more than 24 years and will endure into the
4 Registry Registrar Services and Operations
This section provides details on the technical operational services critical
for the provisioning of domains, contacts and hosts as well as the services
related to both publishing domain, host and contact information and the
publishing of zone information as provided by the ZA Central Registry and
as intended for use by the dotDurban TLD.
4.1 Domain Registration Services
This section provides details on the receipt of data originating from Regis-
trars concerning domain name, contact and nameserver (host) registration.
All registration data from Registrars must be received over a secure TCP⁄IP
connection conforming to the EPP protocol as defined by the IETF Stan-
dard 69, and in particular RFC5730 to RFC5734 as listed below.
Domain Mapping:- Data format for each EPP command must conform
to RFC 5731 with each data unit conforming to section 4 of RFC 5734.
Host Mapping:- Data format for each EPP command must conform to
RFC 5732 with each data unit conforming to section 4 of RFC 5734.
Contact Mapping:- Data format for each EPP command must conform
to RFC 5733 with each data unit conforming to section 4 of RFC 5734.
4.2 Registry Zone Dissemination
The zone is published once every 15 minutes which may change from time
to time depending on the policy for the dotDurban TLD and the size of the
4.3 Registry Zone Servers
The dotDurban TLD will use nameserver infrastructure supplied by the
ZA Central Registry including 2 anycast instances geographically dispersed
including instances within the Africa continent, and 4 to 6 unicast instances
geographically dispersed with at least 4 in Africa.
The DNS infrastructure will be outsourced to reputable industry service
providers demonstrating geographic diversity and the necessary expertise
for managing anycast services.
Unicast services will be managed both in-house, and optionally outsourced
on a similar basis to the anycast services.
4.4 Zone Server Status Information
Zone Server status information relating to the zone servers of the dotDur-
ban TLD will be displayed on the Registrar portal and as detailed under
Registrar Notifications in section 6.1. This includes the following
Primary Nameserver Zone Timestamp:- - The timestamp will be dis-
played in green should it be within expected limits according to the
dotDurban TLD policy, in orange if not, and a message in red indicat-
ing any critical error.
Secondary Nameserver Zone Timestamp:- - The timestamp for each
secondary nameserver will be displayed in green should it be within
expected limits according to the dotDurban TLD policy, in orange if
not, and a message in red indicating any critical error.
4.5 Registry Whois Services
This dissemination of contact and other information concerning domain
name registrations in the dotDurban TLD will be determined by the policy
oversight committee of the dotDurban TLD.
Whois Services offered by the ZA Central Registry for the dotDurban TLD
will include at least the following
Port 43 Whois:- Service in accordance with RFC3912.
Web Based Whois:- Service.
Typical information will include the following
domain:- The domain string
registrant:- The name of the registrant
registrant address:- The postal address of the registrant
registrant contact number:- The phone⁄fax number of the registrant
registrar:- The name of the sponsoring registrar
registrar address:- The postal address of the registrar
registrar contact number:- The phone⁄fax number of the registrar
billing:- The name of the billing contact
billing address:- The postal address of the billing contact
billing contact number:- The phone⁄fax number of the billing contact
technical:- The name of the technical contact
technical address:- The postal address of the technical contact
technical contact number:- The phone⁄fax number of the technical con-
registration status:- Status information pertaining to the domain eg. reg-
istration period, registration date, renewal date, last update, and do-
main state where the state could be any of the following
* Pending Update
* Pending Delete
* Pending Transfer
* Inactive
* Client⁄Server Hold
Name Servers:- The nameservers for the domain
Whois services will be subject to abuse prevention based on industry best
practises including, but not necessarily limited to, load balancing, rate lim-
iting and black listing addresses from where attacks placing undue load on
the registry whois infrastructure occurs.
4.6 Internationalised Domain Names
These will not be supported at the launch of dotDurban TLD.
Any decision to implement IDNs during the life time of dotDurban TLD will
be determined by industry best practises, ICANN recommendations and the
dotDurban TLD Policy Oversight Committee.
Should such a decision be taken then the technical implementation for IDNs
will conform to the draft standards as set out in RFC 5890, RFC 5891, and
RFC 5892.
The ZA Central Registry will provide full support for Domain Name System
Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for the dotDurban TLD zone.
The ZA Central Registry complies with industry best practices for zone
signing and key protection, including security requirements as defined by
the dotDurban Policy Oversight Committee, industry best practises and
taking international standards such as ISO27001 into account.
5 Registry Services by Agreement
This section provides details on services and products offered by the dotDur-
ban TLD over and above the normal registration services as listed above.
These services and products are as per intended agreements with oversight
bodies and role players.
The following services are provisionally intended and will be ratified by the
dotDurban Policy Oversight Committee prior to opening up registrations
including the sunrise and landrush periods.
Reserved List:- This list provides a service that will allow strings to be re-
served to particular groups or entities as determined by the dotDurban
Foundation. This list may also include abusive names as determined
by the Policy Oversight Committee.
Management Information System:- The MIS service provides stake-
holders and oversight bodies such as the Municipality and the dot-
Durban Policy Oversight Committee with an interface to determine
registry performance, uptime, registration statistics and other infor-
mation relating to registry service level agreements.
6 Additional Registry Services
Additional registry services for the dotDurban TLD include services pro-
vided as business services provided to Registrars as required for their day
to day operations.
6.1 Additional Registrar Services
Services listed here are intended to facilitate Registrar interaction with the
Registry and are typically accessible via the Registrar portal as provided by
the ZA Central Registry.
Registrar Accreditation Process:- This service provides an automated
step by step process for accrediting prospective Registrars including
both legal and technical phases of the process.
Registrar Payment Gateway:- This service provides a secure authenti-
cated interface for topping up Registrar domain registration funds.
Registrar Key Management:- This service provides a secure authenti-
cated interface for inserting and updating the Registrar public keys as
used to ensure secure communication using the Transport Layer Secu-
rity (TLS) protocol over TCP with the dotDurban EPP based domain
registration service.
Registrar Issue Tracker:- This service provides an interface allowing ac-
credited Registrars to log and track technical issues with the Registry.
Registrar Financial Information:- This service provides a secure au-
thenticated interface allowing Registrars to obtain financial informa-
tion pertinent to their domain provisioning transactions including in-
voices, statements, and credit notes.
Registrar Management Information:- This service provides a secure
authenticated interface allowing Registrars to obtain domain provi-
sioning statistics and trends including comparative information allow-
ing Registrars to see how they compare to others.
Registrar News Portal:- This service provides an interface where all Reg-
istry news items relating to Registrars are published.
Registrar Notifications:- This service provides details on various Reg-
istry news items including Registry infrastructural issues such as Reg-
istry Maintenance Times, Whois Maintenance Times and Zone Server
Similar gTLD applications: (3)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .capetown | UniForum SA (NPC) trading as ZA Central Registry | dundas.co.za | -1.9 | Compare |
.joburg | UniForum SA (NPC) trading as ZA Central Registry | dundas.co.za | -1.87 | Compare |
.africa | UniForum SA (NPC) trading as Registry.Africa | registry.net.za | -1.68 | Compare |