18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .dubai | Dubai eGovernment Department | deg.gov.ae | View |
The mission⁄purpose of the .dubai TLD is to promote the Emirate of Dubai (Dubai) and its constituents including, but not limited to, its residents, culture, events, commerce, economy, institutions, government and landmarks through the creation of an online space and brand identity thereby reinforcing Dubai’s position as a leading global knowledge, economic and socio-cultural hub.
The .dubai TLD will establish an online brand identity, which reflects the global economic and commercial success underpinning Dubai and its people. It will serve to complement existing methods of communication for government-affiliated entities and organisations registered in Dubai, seeking to promote Dubai by establishing official and authoritative channels for online communication. This function of the TLD is consistent with Dubai’s status as a global leader in innovation and growth, ensuring Dubai’s online presence is capable of fulfilling the future needs of its growing population and an ever-changing, ever-expanding internet landscape.
The applicant, Dubai eGovernment Department (DEG) of the Emirate of Dubai, employs multiple information and communication technology channels to provide services to those who live and trade in Dubai, in line with its vision of improving the lives of people and businesses. DEG works in conjunction with all government departments and entities that come under the government umbrella in Dubai. The strategic importance of embodying the DEG vision stems from its ultimate goal to reinforce Dubai’s position as a leading knowledge and economic hub. As such, the operation of the .dubai TLD as the authoritative online space for promoting Dubai is within the ambit of DEG’s existing functions.
DEG is committed to operating the .dubai TLD under the following principles:
Collaborative and inclusive: DEG intends to collaborate with all the officially registered organisations in Dubai including government affiliated entities, registered businesses, non-government organisations, associations and various groups to increase their awareness and to encourage them in obtaining .dubai domain names to promote Dubai in unison:
Customer Focused: DEG intends for .dubai domain names to reflect various economic, social and cultural aspects of Dubai and its actual organisations and institutions present in real life. The choice of self-explanatory, intuitive and easy-to-understand .dubai domain names in certain cases will help in effortlessly perceiving the purpose of .dubai domain names by various Internet user segments and will promote the achievement of the TLDs mission. DEG also intends to foster an environment whereby not only existing organisations in Dubai can participate in the new online name space but also new local innovative and successful online businesses can be created utilizing .dubai domain names.
Trust and confidence inspiring: DEG intends to create a dedicated, authoritative and legitimate online space for all participating organisations to enhance the trust and confidence in online services in Dubai. Internet users will be assured of the existence of these organisations and they will be verified through a highly efficient process (executed online) by DEG. Privacy and confidentiality will be preserved for all the non-publicly available data.
Fair, transparent and equitable: DEG intends to formulate publicly available policies and their fact and evidence based implementations for allocating and administering .dubai domain names including but not limited to registration, privacy, complaints, disputes, potential revocations, etc. to ensure fair, transparent and equitable operating processes and procedures. DEG intends to utilize public consultations for policies wherever applicable.
Innovative and robust: DEG intends to utilize leading edge robust technology infrastructure coupled with effective and efficient processes in operating the .dubai TLD. DEG is in the process of forming strategic partnerships and alliances with local and international bodies to adopt best practices and to innovate through liaising with them.
Moral and ethical: DEG intends to preserve general morally and ethically accepted principles and public order in terms of the selection of .dubai domain names as well as the actual published content. DEG may conduct periodic audits to sustain these principles.
DEG is the government department responsible for publishing website guidelines and standards that, among other things, dictate which domain name must be used by each government entity. DEG also conducts biannual evaluations for compliance with these standards. DEG will revise these standards to mandate each government entity within Dubai to use a .dubai domain name upon delegation of the .dubai TLD.
DEG strives to achieve a globally competitive knowledge economy through the smart use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) including Internet. In this context, the .dubai TLD will contribute to regionally and globally promoting Dubai by encompassing its constituent organisations in a prudently planned manner to enhance online accessibility.
The registration of .dubai domain names will be restricted to entities affiliated with the government of Dubai, and organisations registered in Dubai. This restriction is recognition of the role of these entities as chief advocates for promoting Dubai for the benefit of all residents and organisations in Dubai and Internet users in general and facilitates the establishment of official and authoritative channels of online communication. Hence, the .dubai TLD will convey a certain level of trust and confidence since .dubai domain names will only be registered to officially mandated government entities and officially registered organisations in Dubai.
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