18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.swissSwiss International Air Lines Ltd.swiss.comView

As stated in other questions, the applied-for gTLD is a designated brand TLD with domains only being delegated by and to Swiss International Air Lines. Multiple applications for a particular domain name will be handled on a first-come-first-serve-basis, with the option to raise an objection to the Swiss International Air Lines gTLD team, which will then discuss the objection with all involved parties and take a decision in the best interest of the company.

Swiss International Air Lines plans to delegate domains within its organization at cost. Due to this fact and the exclusive internal use of the gTLD, no cost benefits will be implemented for registrants. Contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation are therefore not required as well.

The intention of only delegating domains under the new .swiss gTLD internally implies that there are no relative disadvantages among registrants or an unequal distribution of probability for acquiring a domain under the new gTLD based on financial strength or other factors. The introduction of the new gTLD as the new pivot of online communication for Swiss International Air Lines is in itself a measure to minimize potential adverse effects on customers such as online fraud.

In addition, Swiss International Air Lines will actively work on minimizing any social costs and adverse effects related to its gTLD, by active communication and employment of registration policies that respect legitimate interests of other brands, regions, or social groups.

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