16 Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .SHOP | Commercial Connect LLC | dotShop.com | View |
.Shop is globally recognized and exists in excess of twenty different languages all with the same meaning: ʺa building or room stocked with merchandise for sale: a store.ʺ This is not the case for other closely related words, like store and buy, which are not applied for here. We believe there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string. We have contingency planning as a part of this application. Shareholders have indicated, in our audit phase, that they are sufficiently collateralized to provide additional resources in the event that contingency plans need implementation.
.Shop translates into many languages and has the same meaning. In addition, our anticipated use for .shop, a secured eCommerce site with extended verification of the owner, it also circumvents he issue with privacy as this will be used for commercial purposes and therefore will not have issue with individual privacy acts that are in effects in certain parts of the world.
There are also no apparent rendering issues as mentioned in article http:⁄⁄stupid.domain.name⁄node⁄683.
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