24 Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance

Prototypical answer:

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.SHOPCommercial Connect LLCdotShop.comView

The plan for a robust Shared Registration System (SRS) performance has its foundation in the custom registry design. The Commercial Connect registry system is a live, custom registry design built off of the ISC open registry software version 1.0.2. The registry is capable of providing EPP requests, WHOIS lookups, and also offers a web interface for access. The registry was built to enable support for these various methods of access while still offering an advanced level of security on the system ensuring availability without the risk of unauthorized access.

Commercial Connect’s registry system uses 14 servers for the services provided. Two servers are the EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol), which will provide EPP functionality for the registry. The third server is used as a web server to provide a web interface for the registry. Another server is used as the WHOIS server for the registry. A fifth and sixth server are utilized as two DNS servers. The seventh is used as the master database for the entire registry. The other seven servers are used as hot standby servers, or servers that have mirrored the exact data as the main servers and are ready to take over in case of a main server failure.

The servers will utilize the hot standby synchronization scheme, meaning that the live (main) server information will be mirrored to a backup (standby server) directly as soon as any information changes on the live server. This allows the standby server to take over almost instantaneously if a critical failure occurs on the live server and, therefore, no break occurs in the registry’s service.

There will be two more identical systems put in place at remote locations.

The EPP server will process any request made by the user of the registry system. The registry set-up allows for the user to either connect directly with the EPP server or through a web portal on the internet. Both options will provide the necessary functions expected of the EPP server which will then translate and execute the request. It will, then, send a reply back to the user based on success or failure of the request. Both EPP servers will have a backup EPP server ready to go with data constantly updating, allowing transition between the two servers to be as seamless as possible. Upon going live, both EPP servers will be utilized to handle the initial traffic of registries for the .SHOP domain. After the initial registration period, one EPP server, including its backup server, will, then, be used for the registry’s Drop Pool services.

The webserver will be responsible for the website that acts as a front-end to the EPP server and registry. This will be a user-friendly interface allowing for the user to register multiple requests at a time and to also allow the user the convenience of not having to write software to communicate with the registry. The webserver will use EPP protocol underneath and send the requests to the EPP server which will then execute the EPP commands and send a response back to the webserver on the success or failure of the command.

The WHOIS server will be responsible for providing contact information, domain expiration date, and the status for any domain name registered with the .SHOP gTLD. The information the WHOIS server shows will be pulled directly from the master database in the .SHOP registry. Interconnectivity with other registry systems will include the whitelisting of Registrars⁄Registries for querying, etc.

The DNS servers will perform SOA requests, resolve domain names into IP addresses as well as other DNS requests and are capable of supporting DNSSEC.

Commercial Connect’s Registry system will be capable of meeting the requirements stated in Specification 10 (SLQ) based on the given projections in both answers 31 and 46.

To meet the DNS requirements of having 100% availability, 99% uptime, update time of 60 min or less, TCP RTT of 1500ms or less, and UDP RTT of 500ms or less Commercial Connects DNS infrastructure will allow for a maximum of up to 50,000qps. In the Supplemental Notes for Questions 31 it states that the average expected DNS queries per month is 2,901,801,215 billion queries which when broken down even further equals about 1,083 Queries per Second (QPS). This means we are only using 1⁄50 of our capabilities which also allow Commercial Connect to make sure that all DNS requirements are met now and for future expansion. Commercial Connect also plans on using DNSSEC for its DNS not only for security but also for reliability assuring that our DNS servers really are our DNS servers.

For WHOIS requirements it states that we must have 98% availability, a RTT of 2000ms or less, and an update time of 60 min or less. To meet and exceed these requirements Commercial Connect has been working on several different ways to access our Whois service to decrease the RTT and availability.

The first access type for our Whois server is to query our server directly on the Whois port. Our Whois server has been tested to receive a maximum of 2875 QPS. According to Question 31 Supplemental notes as well Commercial Connects expected monthly Whois queries will average 69,643,229 queries per month. That is about .9% of our maximum queries per month Commercial Connect is able to handle for the Whois system.

To further reduce the traffic load and increase availability for our Whois service Commercial Connect is working on using RESTful Whois. This service will be available via a webpage on one of Commercial Connects webservers. This will allow Whois information to be transmitted using XML or HTML and will also allow a decrease in bandwidth and queries on the Whois server furthering our Whois service uptime and availability.

The EPP requirements in Specification 10 for the EPP service is to have 98% uptime, EPP command RTT of 4000ms or less, EPP query-command RTT of 2000ms or less, and EPP transform-command RTT of 4000ms or less.

As discussed in more detail in Question 31 the current EPP max transactions per second is 17K per second. This already is an improvement of 15K transactions per second posted by other already functioning registries by the ICANN Benchmark in February 2010. With Commercial Connect designing its EPP systems to be able to allow more transactions per second it also assures that Commercial Connect is more than capable of handling the response times to be under the maximum response time as well as making sure the EPP service is available at least 98% of the time.

Commercial Connect agrees that the definitions agreed upon and adopted as part of the ICANN parameters and measures for SRS Performance will be observed.

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