18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.FRONTIERFrontier Communications Corporationftr.comView

Frontier intends to operate the .FRONTIER gTLD as a “.BRAND gTLD” and will closely control the registration of all .FRONTIER second level domain names. The .FRONTIER gTLD will be used to provide innovative product and service delivery platforms in relation to Frontier’s well-established areas of specialty: local and long distance voice services; data and Internet services; access services; and video services. As a closed or single-enterprise registry, Frontier will bear the costs associated with operation and maintenance of the .FRONTIER gTLD and consumers will not encounter the types of Internet vulnerabilities that are often associated with current open⁄unrestricted registries.

In the event that Frontier determines in the future that it will permit registration of .FRONTIER domain names by third parties, such third-party registrations will be offered on a first-come⁄first-served basis.

In the event that Frontier determines in the future that it will permit registration of .FRONTIER domain names by third parties, Frontier does not envision charging consumers fees for such third-party registrations and therefore Frontier will not likely implement pricing discounts.

In the event that Frontier determines in the future that it will permit registration of .FRONTIER domain names by third parties, Frontier does not envision charging consumers fees for such third-party registrations. If Frontier enters into agreements with third parties for the registration of second level .FRONTIER domain names in exchange for compensation to Frontier, Frontier will include contractual provisions addressing any potential pricing increases for registrations and renewals of such second level .FRONTIER domain names.

Similar gTLD applications: (1)

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixzDetail
.FTRFrontier Communications Corporationftr.com-1.66Compare