18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.AQUITAINERégion d’Aquitainetic.aquitaine.frView

The aim of the NewgTLD .AQUITAINE is:
* To provide Aquitaine with a strong, recognizable identity on the Internet. The .AQUITAINE TLD will increase the online profile and visibility of the Aquitaine region.
* To facilitate easy and quick online access to products, services, companies and institutions relating to Aquitaine.
* To provide a method of promotion and effective communication for the Aquitaine region, its public services, activities (private enterprise), local products (tourism, agri-food, pine, wine, aeronautics…), and rich heritage.
* To complement the development of Aquitaineʹs territorial brand
* To represent and position Aquitaine at the highest level of the DNS hierarchy. The success of the .CAT for the Catalan culture has demonstrated the value of regional extensions. In France, there are already extensions corresponding to regions via ccTLDs like the .GP (Guadeloupe), .RE (La Réunion), .YT (Mayotte). There are also other French geographical projects like the .ALSACE, .BZH, .CORSICA or .PARIS. The Aquitaine region wants to benefit from the NewGTLD program in order to take part in this new technology and to promote its modern image by positioning itself in the new internet environment.
* To reinforce the Aquitaine collective identity. A study (July 2011) on the feasibility and benefits of .AQUITAINE requested by the Regional Council of Aquitaine (CRA) showed that 69% of the general public and 55% of professionals feel a strong Aquitaine identity. The study, which was carried out using press campaigns, the Web, Facebook and Twitter, was undertaken with the help of several hundred participants.
* The .AQUITAINE TLD will allow companies and internet users involved in Aquitaine to gain a higher level of visibility. As domain names are often established with the extensions traditionally used in France (.COM, .FR), the new TLD will offer companies an additional choice to set up their domain name in a geographical sector which is of interest to them. In addition, the .AQUITAINE will make searches easier for internet users by suggesting the sites in the region which are most relevant to the end-userʹs requirements. A study on the feasibility and benefits of .AQUITAINE requested by the CRA (July 2011) showed that 2,200 domain names already contained the word ʺaquitaineʺ. In March 2012, 3,000 domain names contain the term “aquitaine”, which is an increase of 36% in 9 months.
* To speed up internet development in Aquitaine by encouraging the use of domain names with .AQUITAINE everywhere within the territory, and internationally. In 2011 the president of the Regional Council of Aquitaine stated that: ʺThe Digital civilization is certainly at home in Aquitaine”. The .AQUITAINE TLD works with all players in the region in promoting their services through computers, “smart phones” or other tablets.

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