18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.AQUITAINERégion d’Aquitainetic.aquitaine.frView

Table of Contents

1 - Multiple applications
2 - Cost benefits for registrants
3 - Increase prices

1 - Multiple applications

.AQUITAINE will be open to all on the basis of ʺfirst come, first servedʺ following the periods of priority registration.
In the event of several requests for the same domain name in the “sunrise period”, priority will be given according to the type of rights involved.

The Sunrise will have five Categories:
* Local Authorities and regional public services established in the administrative region of Aquitaine;
* Quality designation including AOC (“Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée” - Certified designation of origin), AOP (“Appellation d’Origine Protégée” - Protected designation of origin) and IGP (“Indication Géographique Protégée” ⁄ Protected Designation of Origin) of the Aquitaine region;
* Trademarks, (with full compliance with the Trademark Clearinghouse process) giving priority to Trademarks registered in France at INPI (“Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle”), European Trademarks registered with OHIM (“Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market”), and International Trademarks in force in France according to the Madrid system;
* Company names having their headquarters or principal place of business within the territory of Aquitaine;
* Surname of individuals residing within the territory of Aquitaine.
If the same right is invoked, the allocation is done on the basis of ʺfirst come, first servedʺ.
In the event of several requests for the same domain name in the “sunrise period”, allocation will be given on the basis of “first come, first served”.

2 - Cost benefits for registrants

The “sunrise period” charge for a minimum 2 year registration will be 95 euros including the costs of the validation.

The “landrush” charge for a minimum 2 year registration will be 90 euros.

The “open to all” charge will be 35 euros per annum.

The following discounted rates will apply for registrations for longer periods:
* 2 years: 69 euros
* 5 years: 149 euros
* 10 years: 279 euros

The registry does not foresee other discounts. There will not be discounts for bulk registrations.

3 - Increase prices

The period of registration of a domain name with .AQUITAINE will be 1 to 10 years. The minimum period of registration will be 2 years during the “sunrise period” and the “landrush”.
.AQUITAINE Registry has not made any allowance for price increases in its financial projections.

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