18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

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.alsaceREGION D ALSACEsdv.frView

The sunrise and landrush periods will allow the anticipation of issues linked to trademarks and names of institutions, but also the selection among several applicants for the same domain name.

From the start of the Go-live period:
The applications to the Regional Council made by registrars will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, in other words in chronological order of arrival.
An online form will be available to report any abuse and initiate dispute resolution procedures (URS, UDRP)

Entities assigned to Sunrise 1 and 2 will be able to register before the wider audience.
Choosing an .alsace domain name is not something to be done lightly and will be the result of careful reflection about the nature of the holderʹs business. Registrants will have the benefit of the image and identity of the .alsace extension carried by the shared Alsace trademark. They will be able to implement a co-branding policy beneficial to their image and that of the Region.

Besides this notion of co-branding, applicants will have access to domain names that are already registered under .fr or .com. This availability will provide considerable opportunities for Alsatian internet publishers.

Alsace Region Council has decided to apply a policy of relatively high pricing in order to ensure the self-sufficient operation of the extension.
The amount of the charge will not rise, but will probably be reduced.
The price will not be modified in the next three years unless objectives on volume are not met, in which case the Region will decide to lower the charge to make the extension more attractive. The reduction in the rate will be passed on to all domain holders as from their renewal date after such a decision.

The possible impact of reducing the price of the extension will be studied to determine the size of the reduction and the objective in terms of growth in the number of registrations.

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