20(b) Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a)

Prototypical answer:

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.barcelonaMunicipi de Barcelonajosoc.catView

(b) Explain the applicant’s relationship to the community identified in 20(a).
Explanations should clearly state:
i) Relations to any community organizations.
ii) Relations to the community and its constituent parts⁄groups.
ii) Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community.

b) i. Relations to any community organizations.

The City Council of Barcelona, the democratically elected Institution representing its citizens ensures the democratically and social legitimacy of the .barcelona TLD

b) ii. Relations to the community and its constituent parts⁄groups.

The City Council of Barcelona and Fundació puntCAT do and will collaborate with a wide array of community organizations for economic development, welfare, culture, education. This includes cooperation with community organizations that specialize in the development of the digital economy, mobile communications, smart cities, open data, e-government and information society.

b) iii. Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community.

The local government of the City of Barcelona is democratically elected by the residents. The governance process for the .barcelona TLD will be set up by the will include appropriate consultation mechanisms for public authorities and private stakeholders.

As the City Council of Barcelona itself assumes the stewardship of the .barcelona TLD, the ultimate line of accountability from the .barcelona TLD governance body goes through the office of the elected Mayor and Deputy Mayors to the electorate.

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