18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

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.CAREERdotCareer LLCsecondgen.comView

It is DC’s intent to operate .CAREER as a standard gTLD. To help eliminate or minimize social costs, DC will implement all abuse mitigation and rights protection mechanisms set forth in applicable ICANN Consensus Policies, ICANN’s registry agreement, any applicable rules of law and any policies implicated for compliance with DC’s response to Questions 28 and 29 related to mitigation of abusive registrations and rights protection mechanisms.

Further, DC is committed to operating the .CAREER gTLD in a professional and commercially reasonable manner. DC does not believe that operating a gTLD in a manner that unreasonably facilitates undue and unreasonable (at DC’s sole determination) social costs is professional or commercially reasonable. In that regard, DC will reserve the right to adopt registration and use policies as commercially reasonably necessary, in DC’s sole discretion, to mitigate any such undue and unreasonable social costs towards fulfillment of the mission⁄purpose of the .CAREER gTLD and the goals set forth in DC’s answer to Question 18(b).

1. Resolving multiple applications for a particular domain name.

DC anticipates that the bulk of multiple applications for a particular domain name will be resolved on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any such registrations may be at a higher fixed annual fee.

In the event of multiple applications for a particular domain name in a request for proposal (RFP) process, DC will review the applications in light of the mission⁄purpose of the .CAREER gTLD and explore contention resolution options between the applicants consistent with such mission⁄purpose. In the event multiple applicants are not distinguishable in light of the mission⁄purpose of the gTLD, DC will likely explore resolving the contention via an auction process. Any such auction would be performed by an experienced domain auction provider under best auction practices.

2. Cost benefits for registrants in the .CAREER gTLD.

DC intends to investigate the provision of one or more introductory discounts, advantageous pricing and⁄or bulk registration discounts during initial operations of the .CAREER gTLD, and will review the results of any such discount(s) or pricing to determine if further discounts or other advantageous pricing should be implemented at any further time during operations of the .CAREER gTLD.

3. Price escalation.

DC does not intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation.

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