18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.APPDot App LLCgmail.comView

The .APP TLD is intended to function with leading-edge technologies and business practices, ensuring a trustworthy and positive user experience. The goal is to use the Company’s online infrastructure and services to encourage internet users to interact online with each other with respect to apps.

In general, the Company intends for users to perceive the TLD as a trustworthy and intuitive indicator of online information and services relevant to software applications. The Company intends to provide a safe and trustworthy Internet space, enhancing user experience by mitigating security-associated risks. Precise details are set forth in answers to Questions 26, 28 and 29.

In addition, the TLD will provide an easily navigable and predictable domain name space. For example, geographicnames.APP for localized websites, and product.APP for websites related to products relevant to apps. All of this will lessen users’ confusion when interacting online.

(i) How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first-serve basis?

The Company will offer a phased launch, consistent with many prior gTLD domain name launches. First, a Sunrise Period will be offered as required by ICANN, for trademark holders to register domain names that correspond to their marks. If there is more than one qualified Sunrise applicant, then they will be invited to participate in an auction to select the registrant of the contested name. After the close of the Sunrise Period, the Company will conduct a Premium Name Availability Period, accepting applications for registrations of any available .APP domain names. In the event of more than one applicant contending for any domain during this Period, all such applicants will be invited to participate in an auction to select the registrant of the contested name. After the Premium Name Availability Period, the Company will make names generally available for open registration by any interested person or entity, on a first-come⁄first-served basis.

(ii) Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

The Company intends to promote early adoption of the .APP TLD by initially offering discounts for multi-year registrations and for purchase of multiple domain registrations. A registrant who chooses a multi-year registration will pay less for the second and successive years which are paid in advance. A registrant who chooses to register multiple domain names at one time will receive a discount on the second and successive registrations made at the same time. Registrants may combine both discounts, for even greater savings.

(iii) Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation? If so, please describe your plans.

The Company also intends to make clear contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation upon renewal. The Company will not raise the base price (exclusive of any discounts, taxes, etc.) of .APP domain name renewals by more than ten percent in any calendar year. This will be clearly stated in Registry-Registrar Agreement, requiring registrars to include this commitment in all .APP Domain Name Registration Agreements.

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