18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .immo | dotimmobilie GmbH | dotimmobilie.de | View |
dotimmobilie GmbH (further mentioned as “DOTIMMOBILIE”) is pursuing an application for the string .IMMO.
The word “IMMO” is the short version of the respective local term “immobilie, immobilière, immobilia” in German, French and Italian language and in other languages in which the term “IMMO” has a meaning. It hat its origin in the latin word “im mobilis”, which means “not moveable”. In Roman languages like German, French, and Italian the term is nearly identical. The short version “IMMO” is as of today a widely known abbreviation for this word. In many European and also other countries the word “real estate” translates to “immobilie, immobilière, immobilia”, e.g. in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Italy. Furthermore many French-speaking countries in many African countries, in Canada and the Caribbean use the word as well. Altogether 250 million people worldwide associate real estate content with the string “IMMO”. Over 130 million websites are listed in Google by searching for the string “IMMO”.
The .IMMO TLD has the mission to serve the real estate industry, its suppliers, partners and customers in those countries with an own namespace on the Internet. In addition .IMMO shall serve Internet users through providing an intuitive namespace. As of today industry members like real estate brokers, real estate developers, real estate portals and real estate media have no common determinator like .IMMO on the Internet. Internet users, customers and suppliers have to search via search engines to find real estate content and respective websites from the real estate industry members. With a TLD .IMMO the visibility of the whole industry will increase and create awareness on the Internet about this industry and their services. Internet users, customers and suppliers have had no common place on the Internet where they could find real estate content. The TLD .IMMO will support supplier and consumer to come together by an intuitive namespace. This namespace is open to each member of the real estate industry allowing anybody to register an intuitive domain name, related to the real estate industry.
By this the .IMMO gTLD may complement other new gTLDs for the Englisch speaking community, such as .REAL or .REALESTATE.
The .IMMO gTLD has the purpose to be a namespace for the real estate industry in all countries, where the word “real estate” is used in the respective local language like “immobilie, immobilière, immobilia” among others. In those countries the abbreviation “IMMO” is often used instead of the translation in the local language like “immobilie, immobilière, immobilia”. Especially on the IInternet, where long words are shortened, “IMMO” is often used instead of the long word in the respective language and therefore often uses in company names, e.g. a German real estate portal is named “immoscout24.de”, a French real estate magazine “logic-immo.com” and an Italian real estate agent “immoweb.it”.
Further purpose of the .IMMO gTLD is that its domains names shall facilitate consumers to intuitively find real estate information on the Internet and shall contribute to more quality, reliability and consumer trust in real estate topics on the Internet.
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gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail |