20(e) Provide a description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .cpa | CPA AUSTRALIA LTD | cpaaustralia.com.au | View |
The proposed registration policy is attached in response to Question 28.
Registrations for second level domain names under the .cpa gTLD will only be open, in accordance with the eligibility criteria outlined in the registration policy, to the following eligible registrants and members of the defined CPA Australia community:
- full CPA members;
- Associate members currently enrolled in a CPA program;
- students currently registered in CPA Australia’s Passport program; and
- individuals that are either reciprocal members of or are currently enrolled in equivalent courses through overseas accounting bodies with which CPA Australia has, or may enter into, Mutual Recognition Agreements.
At some point in the future, the CPA Australia community may review and consider expanding the community to include practicing accountants and other members of various CPA organisations around the world which also use a similar CPA designation. Any possible future expansion to the scope of the CPA Australia community would be subject to approval by members of the community through CPA Australia’s normal decision-making processes, including at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). As part of this process, CPA Australia would put forward an updated registration policy and governance mechanism for making decisions under the new broader scope of the community.
Potential registrants that meet the eligibility criteria will be required to provide evidence to support its eligibility, which will be regularly audited for compliance by CPA Australia. The registration of second level domain names under the .new cpa gTLD will be phased in among the community members.
The types of domain names, which must be related to the CPA Australia community, permitted under the .cpa gTLD will include the following:
- Generic words including program.cpa, practice.cpa, congress.cpa, passport.cpa, member.cpa and associate.cpa
- Personalised names, for example, johnsmith.cpa
- Geographic names such as australia.cpa, uk.cpa and hongkong.cpa
- Combination of personalised and geographic names, for example, johnsmith.uk.cpa
Domain names under the .cpa gTLD must only provide content that is related to CPA profession and business and be used in a professional manner in accordance with CPA Australia’s Code of Professional Conduct relevant to community members. In addition, the domain name registration processes in the proposed new .cpa gTLD will address the requirements as mandated by ICANN, including but not limited to, minimum rights abuse prevention measures such as the use of the Trademark Clearinghouse.
If registrants are found in breach of the terms and conditions in the registration policy or other regulations relevant to members, the registry will be able to exercise the right to suspend or cancel the registration of the domain name.
Joining the CPA Australia community means committing to upholding the reputation of the CPA designation by adhering to the obligations spelt out in CPA Australiaʹs Constitution and By-Laws, the Code of Professional Conduct and Applicable Regulations. Members of the CPA Australia community who register second level domain names under the .cpa gTLD must abide by the registration policy and all these standards. To ensure that all registrants and members of the community comply with the registration policy and uphold these standards, CPA Australia has a formal process that enables alleged breaches by its members to be investigated, heard, evaluated and, where appropriate, disciplinary action be taken. Investigations and disciplinary processes are guided by the principles of procedural fairness (the right for a member to put forward their case), confidentiality, independence and the right to appeal.
CPA Australia has undertaken to act in the public interest and has an obligation to ensure that alleged breaches and complaints about members of the community are investigated thoroughly, in an impartial and timely manner, and at all times striving to preserve the rights of members while acknowledging the public interest concerns of complainants.
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