18(b) How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.obiOBI Group Holding GmbHobi.deView

ad i – iii:
In order to avoid duplication, we refer to the information provided in response to question 18. a).
Since only OBI will be eligible to register domain names under the „.obi“ TLD, the benefits are restricted to this entity and potentially to those who are granted the right to use registered domain names.
By limiting the number of eligible users of the namespace, OBI will ensure that only information or services originating from OBI, a group company or business partner relevant to OBI’s business will be made available under the proposed gTLD. By doing so, users will be given the benefit of additional trust in the information provided. Content restrictions and acceptable use policies will give the namespace a good reputation as the user can be sure that only information he or she expects from a DIY site will be available in the namespace. This is a speciality for the namespace. In addition to the TLD as a recognition feature for OBI, OBI will also make the use of OBI styleguides mandatory for the use of the namespace. This will help increase the reputation of the namespace as a source of original information. Since there will only be one registrant, namely OBI itself, Whois will be 100% accurate.
User will benefit from directory services both that will be established under the proposed TLD in terms of categories, topics, products, locations and language.
OBI expects that more brands will make use comparable services. Further, OBI expects that Internet users will learn that new dotBrand namespaces can be used intuitively. Such services could not be established without using third level domain names prior to the establishment of new gTLDs.

iv. In order to support the goals mentioned above, OBI will issue the „.OBI Eligibility Policy“ which clearly states that the only eligible registrant for domain names under the .obi gTLD is Obi Group Holding GmbH.
Also, in the „.obi Domain Name Policy“ a demarcation of acceptable use versus abuse will be depicted. Abuse is defined as „registration abuse“ and „usage abuse“ as follows:
“Registration abuse” is:
* The use of faulty⁄falsified⁄incomplete⁄stolen person-related or company-related data on registration (danger to WHOIS accuracy, see below);
* Cybersquatting⁄typosquatting;
* Registration of illegal domain names (see question 29).
“Usage abuse” is:
* Violation of applicable laws or regulation; in particular the provisions of the German Criminal Code, the German Youth Protection Act and the German Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV). Only such contents are permissible which may be made available to underaged persons without any restrictions;
* Use of a domain to publish content which incites to hatred against parts of the population or against a national, racial, religious or ethnic group, content which glorifies violence, content which violates the human dignity, content which denies or plays down acts committed under the National Socialist regime;
* Distribution of child abusive material;
* Use of a domain name for the dissemination of spam, i.e. unsolicited bulk electronic communication (e-mail, instant messaging, on websites, in forums or mobile messaging) or advertising a domain name by means of spam.
* Use of a domain name for Distributed Denial-of-service attacks (“DDoS attacks”);
* Use of domain names in phishing activities, tricking Internet users into divulging personal data such as names, addresses, usernames, passwords, or financial data;
* Use of domain names in pharming , such as DNS hijacking and DNS cache poisoning;
* Use of domain names for the intentional distribution of malicious code such as spyware, botware, keylogger bots, viruses, worms or trojans;
* Use of domain names to command and control botnets , i.e. a network of compromised computers or “zombies,”
* Use of domain names in activities intended to gain illegal access to other computers or networks (“hacking”), as well as any activity to prepare for such a system penetration; or
* Use of a domain name fast flux hosting, disguising the location of internet addresses or Internet services.

With OBI’s “.obi Abuse Reporting and Takedown Policy“ escalation procedures, response times and sanctions are clearly described to ensure that unlikely abuse cases are swiftly and efficiently dealt with and objectionable content is removed expediently, domain registrations are suspended or deleted or other threats and abuse types are adequately countered. A detailed description of the policy can be found in the answer to question 28.
Further, OBI will have contractual agreements with all parties, may they be group companies or franchisees e.g. that are allowed to use domain names to bindingly agree upon acceptable use, abuse handling and the respective sanctions.

v. Since the proposed TLD will be used for business purposes of OBI and its contractors exclusively, there will be no measures to protect the privacy or confidential information of registrants and users since there is no need for doing so. Should personal information of users be collected or processed in connection with the use of the namespace, such information must be treated in accordance with applicable data protection laws. As mentioned above, OBI will apply content restrictions as well as an Acceptable Use Policy for the proposed gTLD. Abiding by applicable data protection laws is one aspect of this. Breaches would be a violation of these rules and thereby a violation of the contract, that can lead to the termination of the registration agreement or the use of the domain name used for by the infringing party.
OBI plans to use domain names under the proposed gTLD in its communication to users and contractors and in marketing campaigns both on- and offline. By doing so, the proposed TLD and its benefits will be brought to the attention of the target audiences.
Today OBI communicates it´s current B2C website www.obi.de as cross link in any kind of communication. The media mix consists of broad media (TV and Billboard), leaflet as main activation tool, direct mailing, radio, online and other advertisement media. The proposed gTLD will be also communicated within this mix.

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