
22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.OBSERVERGuardian News and Media Limitedcentralnic.comView
Applicant has considered the relevant provisions of the new TLD Registries Agreement, the GAC Advice ʺGAC Principles Regarding new TLDsʺ and the procedures adopted by other gTLD registries and intends to use the procedure described below with regards to protection of geographic names in the TLD.

Prior to its launch Applicant will compile a list of country and territory names that are subject to reservation on the second level.

Pursuant to the specification provided in ICANNʹs Applicant Guidebook, the list will include country and territory names based on the following internationally recognized lists:
• the short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list;
• the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
• the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names;
As the above documents get updated from time to time, the exact list of reserved names will be compiled shortly before the TLD launch to account for any updates. The list of reserved names will be published on the Registry website.

The TLD is intended to only serve the interests of the Applicant, its customers and its affiliates. Governmental bodies will not be eligible for registering domains under the TLD.

We understand that release of such names will require ICANN approval per the Registry Agreement, or a change in current policy. We intend to make such a request, and expect it will be approved by ICANN as per existing TLDs which have released such names.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.schoolFegistry, LLCfegistry.comView
Fegistry has considered the relevant provisions of the new TLD Registries Agreement, the GAC Advice ʺGAC Principles Regarding new TLDsʺ and the procedures adopted by other gTLD registries and intends to use the procedure described below with regards to protection of geographic names in our Registry.
Prior to its launch Fegistry will compile a list of country and territory names that are subject to reservation on the second level.
Pursuant to the specification provided in ICANNʹs Applicant Guidebook, the list will include country and territory names based on the following internationally recognized lists:
- The short form (in English) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list;
- The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
- The list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names;
As the above documents get updated from time to time, the exact list of reserved names will be compiled shortly before the TLD launch to account for any updates. The list of reserved names will be published on the Registry website.