18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

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.mmaMMA IARDafnic.frView

Table of Contents

1 - Rules and steps adopted to eliminate or minimize social costs and negative consequences imposed upon customers

1 - Rules and steps adopted to eliminate or minimize social costs and negative consequences imposed upon customers

* Keeping in mind the importance of minimizing costs, we will implement a mechanism permitting to grant usage of domain names on a first come first served basis for eligible applicants only upon the decision of the Delegation Commission. Our structure does not justify recourse to auction which will be more costly and not necessarily more efficient.

* We intend to implement costs benefits to several categories of registrants in several situations. We want our .mma to be accessible to all persons or entities fulfilling the eligibility requirements and sharing MMAŹ¹s goals and values. Therefore, we will continuously pay particular attention to situations where costs benefits should be granted and implement relevant rules allowing such benefits. Categories of registrants and situations where registrants will benefit of special costs will be determined on the basis of regular commercial studies.

* We do intend to make contractual commitments regarding the magnitude of price escalation. Our contracts with DomainUsers will include a provision stating that price escalation will be done in accordance with market price escalations and ICANN indexation.

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