20(b) Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a)
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .mma | MMA IARD | afnic.fr | View |
Table of Contents
1 - MMA: principal organisation of MMAʹs community
2 - Relations to the community and its constituent parts
3 - Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community
1 - MMA: principal organisation of MMAʹs community
Actually, MMA is the organization that was at the origin of our community: itʹs the social unit of men and woman that was structured and that evolved through time to form the actual MMA organization and to meet the need of providing insurance coverage and other social, cultural and environmental services to MMAʹs community. MMA is therefore the beating heart of the community since only with the products and services that it provides the community can exist.
2 - Relations to the community and its constituent parts
As previously mentioned, MMAʹs community has vital relations with MMA. In simple words, MMA provides jobs to its employees, it ensures work to its agents and their employees through the services it allows them to offer to clients and provide products and services to its clients. MMA also sponsors its Foundation, MMArena and MMAcadémie and different social, cultural and environmental activities and thus ensure these vital relations with relevant members of its community.
3 - Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community
To be accountable, MMA integrated transparency, participation, evaluation, and complaint and response mechanisms to its practice. It provides accessible and timely information to its community, provide mechanisms to its community to participate in its practice, it monitors and reviews its progress against goals and objectives and reports on the result of its progress, and ensures that complaints on issues are reviewed and acted upon.
MMA differentiated itself since its creation by its unequal image of proximity insurance to claim a position on the French market as an intensely interactive brand. This means first of all that MMAʹs brand lives, thinks and shares the same needs, the same concerns and the same expectations as its community. It also means that MMA is a brand that units, as in any community, the whole MMA family. And most of all it is a brand that prioritizes its clients requests and act upon these requests. This is why, for instance, MMA made it possible to clients to compose their fees and insurances according to their needs. Also, this is why sharing information, solutions and benefits with its community, is one of the main concerns of MMA. More specifically, MMAʹs clients elect a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) representatives for a three (3) years mandate renewable to participate and vote in general meetings of MMA where board of directors is elected, accounts are approved and policies validated. Informational sessions are provided to newly elected representatives that introduce the world of insurance to clientsʹ representatives and explain the role they are expected to play in MMAʹs life.
Particularly, MMA is held to account to its community by a forum included on MMAʹs website where its community members can participate to its life by giving their opinion and sharing their experiences (ʺShare within your communityʺ). Also, clientsʹ representatives may submit written questions to members of the board of directors during general meetings held by MMA.
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