20(d) Explain the relationship between the applied-for gTLD string and the community identified in 20(a)
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .mma | MMA IARD | afnic.fr | View |
Table of Contents
1 - Relation to the established name of the community
2 - Relationship to the identification of community members
3 - Connotation MMA may have beyond the community
1 - Relation to the established name of the community
MMA is the brand name under which our company is known and registered. It is also our community name and thus it is our applied for gTLD.
2 - Relationship to the identification of community members
MMA, the company, is related to every member of the community. Each member of the MMA community identifies himself⁄herself⁄itself to MMA through a social, economic, partnership relationship. Therefore, community members feel involved when a reference to ʺmmaʺ is made: they are clients of MMA, employees of MMA, partners with MMA, etc.
3 - Connotation MMA may have beyond the community
The letters ʺmʺ and ʺmʺ and ʺaʺ as put together in the brand ʺMMAʺ, do not have any particular meaning in the French language or in any other language as far as we know. Nevertheless, the brand ʺMMAʺ in itself is the fourth spontaneously known insurance brand in France.
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