18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

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.健康Stable Tone Limitedrodenbaugh.comView

(a) Stable Tone Limited is applying to become an ICANN accredited Top Level Domain (TLD) registry for the .健康TLD (.jiankang). The .健康TLD is intended to benefit Chinese-speaking internet users by providing a designated and focused namespace for individuals and entities interested in issues related to healthy lifestyles, products and services. The Chinese letters “健康 “translate to ‘healthy’ in English, and are pronounced roughly “Jian-Kang”. The .jiankang TLD is targeted primarily at potential registrants and Internet users in Mainland China, therefore most of the registrations will be in the Chinese language and Simplified Chinese characters. Stable Tone will allow English language second level registrations, though these are seen to constitute a minority of the domains under management (DUM). Stable Tone will enable registration of secondary level Chinese IDN names in .健康TLD and English language ASCII names, by individuals as well as organizations who would like to provide goods and services as well as information related to healthy lifestyles, products and services. The target market is wellness care, leisure care, fitness and sports, healthy food and drink companies. The channel to market is through a specialized sales team that will work with accredited registrars with specific emphasis on the .jiankang (healthy) themed market.

The concept of healthy lifestyle has been intertwined with Chinese culture for thousands of years. Healthy and wellness practices such as dietary therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and teas, exercise such as Tai Chi and Qui Gong, and massage such as Tui Na have been a mainstay of Chinese culture and lifestyle for several thousand years. Even though, with a median age of 35.5, the average Chinese is considered somewhat young, interest in and consistent practice of at least one of these healthy lifestyle concepts is widespread.(Source: http:⁄⁄www.indexmundi.com⁄china⁄median_age.html)

The Chinese internet users have increased in dramatic numbers, from 22.5M in 2000 to 513.1M in 2012 (Source: http:⁄⁄www.internetworldstats.com⁄top20.htm and http:⁄⁄www.cnnic.net.cn⁄en⁄index⁄0O⁄index.htm). Yet there are only 11.21M domain names and only 2.79M websites to address any and all types of content (Source: http:⁄⁄www.cnnic.net.cn⁄en⁄index⁄0O⁄index.htm). CNNIC has recently announced policies to expand the use of Chinese IDNs. The Company sees this as an encouraging sign that the Chinese IDN market is a growing opportunity.

Given the growing internet user base and the lack of any designated and focused TLD targeted at the healthy lifestyle interest, the .健康TLD (.jiankang) is intended to fill a market gap and provide not only a focused and designated TLD, but also an innovative and intuitive address in the Chinese language and script.

The .健康TLD is also envisioned to be a premium Internet space, under control of Stable Tone, to allow the distribution and exchange of information, products and services relevant to healthy lifestyle, by means of, but not limited to, websites, social networks, email and other technologies that will reside within the .健康TLD (.jiankang) domain name space. In addition, ancillary services may be provided in relation to registration of domains within the TLD, including, but not limited to, website hosting, SEO, marketing and consulting services. Stable Tone will take both technical as well as policy measures to differentiate and distinguish .健康TLD (.jiankang) from other TLDs rife with abusive domains which seek to misguide and defraud the consumer. The lack of monitoring and abuse mitigation has led to a plethora of websites with fraudulent, unhealthy, even dangerous products and information.

Stable Tone is founded by Jason Du, who serves as CEO and Chairman. Mr. Du has more than 14 years of technical and managerial experience in Internet businesses. He is joined by a distinguished set of executives with proven track records of establishing successful Internet businesses both in China and in the USA.

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