18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .CEO | CEOTLD Pty Ltd | rodenbaugh.com | View |
The mission⁄purpose of the .ceo TLD is to establish a cohesive, clear, dedicated and immediately identifiable online identity, experience, and sales channel for CEOTLD Pty Ltd.
CEOTLD Pty Ltd. will combine PeopleBrowsr’s Kred’s influence and outreach measurement, real world rankings and other information feeds to provide comprehensive information for, by and about the CEO community and its members.
CEOTLD Pty Ltd. is excited to have the opportunity to take a lead in this new, expanded Internet environment as one of the first brand TLDs. The .ceo TLD enables us to offer our cutting edge technology products to individuals, brands, locations and industries in a clearer way than is currently possible. It will bring CEOTLD Pty Ltd.’s online presence together into one clear channel of communication and experience, thus clearly distinguishing the company and its products from competitors
Similar gTLD applications: (1)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .BEST | BestTLD Pty Ltd | rodenbaugh.com | -0.75 | Compare |