18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

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.TIROLpunkt Tirol GmbHtirol.comView


Multiple applications for a particular domain name during the Community Sunrise and the Global Sunrise under the Trademark Clearinghouse will be resolved by auction. From Landrush onwards, all available .TIROL domain names will be registerable on a ”first-come, first-served” basis, with the exception of Premium Names as defined in 18b iv for which other alloacation methods such as fixed price sale or auctions may be used.


Punkt Tirol GmbH plans to implement a number of measures resulting in cost benefits for registrants for promotion purposes. These may include advantageous pricing, introductory discounts or bulk registration discounts.


.TIROL domain names will be available through ICANN accredited registrars who will be provided non-discriminatory access to registry services. Domain name registration in the Sunrise and Landrush may be for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar.

The reserved names for auction will have discrete pricing.

Punkt Tirol GmbH reserves the right to reduce pricing for promotional purposes in a manner available to all accredited registrars. Punkt Tirol GmbH reserves the right to work with ICANN to initiate an increase in the wholesale price of domains if required. Punkt Tirol GmbH will provide reasonable notice to the registrars of any approved price increase.

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