
18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.fooCharleston Road Registry
18.a. Mission⁄Purpose of the Proposed gTLD

Charleston Road Registry is an American company, wholly owned by Google, which was established to provide registry services to the Internet public. Google is an American multinational public corporation and global technology leader focused on improving the ways its hundreds of millions of users connect with information. Since its formation, Google has been developing technology that can improve upon existing ways of doing business on the Internet. Google provides a variety of services and tools for Internet users and advertisers of all sizes, from simple search features and local ads to enterprise-scale business applications and global advertising solutions. These tools make it easier for people to make use of the world’s information and enable entrepreneurs and publishers around the world to grow their businesses.

In line with Google’s general mission, Charleston Road Registry’s mission is to help make information universally accessible by extending the utility of the DNS while enhancing the performance, security and stability of the Internet for users worldwide. Charleston Road Registry aspires to create unique web spaces where users can learn about products, services and information in a targeted manner and in ways never before seen on the Internet. Its business objective is to manage Google’s gTLD portfolio and Google’s registry operator business. As discussed further in the responses to questions 23 and 31, Charleston Road Registry intends to outsource all critical registry functions to Google Registry Services.

The proposed gTLD will provide the marketplace with direct association to the term, ʺfoo.ʺ The mission of this gTLD, .foo, is to provide a dedicated domain space in which registrants can enact second-level domains that relate to web development and⁄or act as a repository for prototyping and beta sites. Charleston Road Registry believes that registrants will find value in associating with this gTLD, which could have a vast array of uses. The proposed gTLD will enhance consumer choice by providing new availability in the second-level domain space, creating new layers of organization on the Internet, and signaling the kind of content available in the domain.

The proposed gTLD will also provide Charleston Road Registry with the means to meet its business objectives.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.gugeCharleston Road Registry
18.a. Mission⁄Purpose of the Proposed gTLD

Charleston Road Registry is an American company, wholly owned by Google, which was established to provide registry services to the Internet public. Google is an American multinational public corporation and global technology leader focused on improving the ways its hundreds of millions of users connect with information. Since its formation, Google has been developing technology that can improve upon existing ways of doing business on the Internet. Google provides a variety of services and tools for Internet users and advertisers of all sizes, from simple search features and local ads to enterprise-scale business applications and global advertising solutions. These tools make it easier for people to make use of the world’s information and enable entrepreneurs and publishers around the world to grow their businesses.

In line with Google’s general mission, Charleston Road Registry’s mission is to help make information universally accessible and useful by extending the utility of the DNS while enhancing the performance, security and stability of the Internet for users worldwide. Charleston Road Registry aspires to create unique web spaces where users can learn about Google products, services and information in a targeted manner and in ways never before seen on the Internet. Its business objective is to manage Google’s gTLD portfolio and Google’s registry operator business. As discussed further in the responses to question 23 and 31, Charleston Road Registry intends to outsource all critical registry functions to Google Registry Services.

ʺGu geʺ is the Chinese pinyin equivalent of the English term, ʺGoogle.ʺ The mission of the proposed gTLD, .guge, is to make the worldʹs information universally accessible and useful through the streamlined provision of Google services. The purpose of the proposed gTLD is to provide a dedicated Internet space in which Google can continue to innovate on its Internet offerings, and specifically reach an audience of Chinese-speaking Internet users. Charleston Road Registry will also support IDNs for the Chinese language at the second-level within the proposed gTLD. There are currently over 500 million Chinese speakers on the Internet [Source: http:⁄⁄⁄article2⁄0,2817,2398956,00.asp]. The proposed gTLD will augment Googleʹs offerings through existing registries, provide Google with greater ability to categorize its present online locations around the world, and provide a more recognizable, branded, trusted web space to both the general Internet population and Google employees.