18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.DESIGNDesign Trend Registry Inc.designtrendregistry.comView

The registry will seek to create the orderly introduction of domain names in a way that is respectful of trademarks and sensitive to costs. Our approach will follow this path:
An RFP process will begin immediately to help establish the market for the registry’s names and services in support of it. This approach to certain premium names should help generate operating capital for the registry that will ensure stability for both operations and the cost of registrations generally available.
A Sunrise period will ensure the protection of rights holders. Each will have the opportunity to register protected names in advance of the General Availability. These names will be subject to annual renewal, but, as with all names, a fixed-rate, 10-year registration will be offered.
Then a Landrush will open for all. Competition for the same names in both the Sunrise and Landrush periods will be sent to an auction. An auction is the best way possible to ensure that real and vibrant sites will be built in the name space.
Finally, General Availability will open.
The registry’s decision to host a thick and verified WhoIs database is an opportunity for .DESIGN to lead by example. Privacy and transparency are not mutually exclusive values; each is totally appropriate. So, too is accountability. The result of such an approach should be to greatly reduce the chance for negative consequences and costs.

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