18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

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.gentCOMBELL GROUP NV⁄SAcombellgroup.comView

First of all, the gTLD will be launched using a lengthy and thorough start-up process, which will likely consist of the following steps:

* Pre-Sunrise: The City Council of Ghent and its associated official organizations may ʺactivateʺ domains from the reserved domains list obtained during Pre-Sunrise. However, this step maybe skipped; the City Council of Ghent and its associated official organizations can, after the launch of the gTLD, decide at any time when to activate the domains on the reserved list. Approximate duration: 5 days.

* Sunrise: Public bodies, holders⁄licensees of trademarks, holders of other prior rights (such as company names, trade names, business identifiers, personal names, …) may apply for domain names based on the names for which they hold prior rights. If there are multiple requests, the domain names will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Approximate duration: 90 days.

* Quiet Period: No registration period. Approximate duration: 10 days.

* Landrush for non-profit organizations: non-profit organizations that are residing or are established in the City of Ghent can register their domain name based on their names. If there are multiple requests, the domain names will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. During this phase, the Trademark Claims process will be put in place. Approximate duration: 30 days.

* Landrush for citizens and companies in Ghent: citizens of Ghent, organizations and companies established in Ghent and companies having a place of business in Ghent may apply for domain names based on their names. If there are multiple requests, the domain names will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. During this phase, the Trademark Claims process will be put in place. Approximate duration: 30 days.

* Go Live ⁄ General Availability: live First-Come-First-Served registrations commence.

The .GENT Registry shall define a number of domains that will be auctioned off during or after the landrush period.

i. The principle of “first-come-first-served” will be the basic principle for resolving a dispute between holders of prior rights after the phased registration period.

ii. No particular cost benefits will be foreseen for registrants, as the Applicant does not want to discriminate between the different types of registrants. We will however implement specific processes whereby non-profit organizations that are residing or are established in the City of Ghent get a preferential treatment and advantageous pricing during the landrush for non-profit organizations period.

iii. The Applicant – acting in its capacity of Registry Operator – will not allow initial domain name registrations for a term that is longer than ten (10) years. The standard period for domain name registration will be one (1) year.

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