20(e) Provide a description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .tatar | Limited Liability Company ʺCoordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republicʺ | cctld.ru | View |
Any corporation or individual has the right to register a second-level domain in .TATAR, provided the prospective registrant fully shares and supports .TATAR’s mission, purposes and philosophy.
During the Sunrise period, the following prospective registrants will become eligible for registrations of domain names:
Legislative, executive and judicial bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan, which may register a domain name coinciding with the full or abbreviated official name of the body after being transliterated to Latin (with the respective list to be compiled by the Registry Operator upon consultations with the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Holders of trademarks registered in compliance with the Russian or international regulations may register the domain name coinciding with the trademark, its transliterated version or a graphic representation.
Owners of registered regional mass media may register a domain name coinciding with the official name of the mass media source.
Members of regional public associations may register any domain names, but no more than 5 for one registrant.
During the Landrush and Live periods, domain name registration is open for any person, whether corporation or individual, resident of the Russian Federation or any other jurisdiction, which⁄who fully shares the mission, objectives and philosophy of .TATAR gTLD and agrees with all the Registry Operator’s policies.
Prior to submission of the application for registration of its⁄his⁄her first domain name, the registration aspirant is bound to produce for registrar two recommendations from effective registrants in .TATAR. Such recommendations can be produced in the form of an official letter to the registrar or in the form of an electronic confirmation, per procedures established in the gTLD. The Recommendations shall explicitly reference to the aspirant’s name and its⁄his⁄her intention to register a second-level domain name in .TATAR.
There is no restriction on the number of domain names that may be registered by one registrant.
The registrant may not register a domain name for the sole purpose of resale or transfer to another entity.
Any types of second-level domain names may be registered in the applied-for gTLD, provided they do not contradict the requirements to registered domain names, are consistent with registration procedures and rules and do not violate the moral and public order, law, and⁄or mission and purpose of .TATAR. Registrant may use the registered name in any way, provided it is consistent with the mission, purposes and philosophy of the .TATAR gTLD and does not contravene law of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, moral foundations, traditions and customs of the Tatar community
The Registry Operator will introduce a set of strict measures to counter the misuse of domain names, whether directly by the registrant or indirectly by third parties, both in the form of malicious conduct (phishing, spamming, malware distribution) and use of domain names bearing any content contradicting the moral and public order, law, and⁄or mission and purpose of .TATAR or facilitating addressing in this regard.
Where the Registry Operator detects a misuse of the domain name, or receives an abuse complaint, or it has been found out that the genuine purpose of the registered domain name is not in compliance with the mission, purposes and philosophy of the .TATAR gTLD, then the Registry Operator reserves the right to impose on the domain name registrant sanctions to the extent of cancelation of the domain name registration.
Where an abusive use of the domain name has been identified, one of the following enforcement measures may be employed:
Suspension of the domain name delegation.
In case of application of this measure, the domain may not be delegated until the moment the detected violations are remedied.
(ii) Restrictions on the use of the domain name:
In case of application of this measure, the domain name may not be transferred to another Registrar, updated, renewed, or deleted.
(iii) Cancellation of the domain registration.
Where the aforementioned measures have been enforced, the registrant is granted a certain period of time to remedy the abuse. Where the registrant has failed to do so within a given time period, the domain name registration is cancelled. All abuse complaints are subject to consideration and, where necessary – action, if the Anti-Abuse Team whose mandate includes a broad range of sanctions to the extent of cancellation of the domain name concerned.
Registrant has the right to refer to the Anti-Abuse Team with clarifications, which are subject to evaluation, including, in particular by a panel of experts. Where the evaluation results in the conclusion to reverse the initial decision to suspend the domain name registration, or to impose restrictions on it, or cancel the domain name registration, it may be reactivated.
For a detailed description of enforcement measures and procedures in the event of exposure of abusive use of domain names, refer to the answer to Evaluation Question #28.
The Applicant will implement mandatory for any community-based gTLDs appeal mechanisms approved by ICANN such as Registry Restriction Dispute Resolution Procedure (RRDRP). The Registry Operator will agree to participate in the RRDRP and be bound by the resulting determinations. The mandatory administrative proceeding will commence when the Registry Operator does not comply with the registration restrictions set out in the Registry Agreement.
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