20(b) Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a)
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .quebec | PointQuébec Inc | pointquebec.org | View |
b) i. Relations to any community organizations.
As a member of the National Assembly of Québec stated in 2008: ʺin its own way, PointQuébec is an ambassador and an example of determination, initiative and leadership ... to improve the visibility of Québec, without using political interestsʺ.
PointQuébec has received a substantial financial support from the Québec Government during the next coming years.
It is also suported by:
- ISOC Québec Chapter (Internet Society);
- Connect Québec (Un Québec Branché sur le Monde);
- Regroupement des Organismes nationaux de Loisir et de Sport du Québec (400 Corporate members within a 9000 network organizations);
- iWeb Internet Provider (15 000 web customers on 35 000 web servers);
- Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA⁄ACEI);
- Communautique ;
- Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (150 Chambers of Commerce in Québec, represents 60 000 companies and 150 000 business people);
- still more than 1972 supporters among 5890 unique visitors gave their support by writing positive comments signed by their email address and IP number the .quebec TLD on «PointQuébec.org» website
- Québec National Assembly Motion
- Minister of Economic development, Innovation, Exportation and Tourism
As such, PointQuébec will manage the use of the name .quebec in the interest of all community as a whole, with a proactive and inclusive approach that will serve best the citizens, public and private bodies or any community organization that could benefit from the domain name space opened and fashioned by the TLD. In order to achieve this, PointQuébec will build a management inspired by best pratices established notably by CIRA and other registries, and develop the business rules to manage accordingly the specific needs for the public infrastructure serving the community.
b) ii. Relations to the community and its constituent parts⁄groups.
PointQuébec will collaborate with community organizations that specialize in the development of the digital economy, e-government and information society.
It will respond to its legal and business duties and will build upon existing relationships to set up an effective and transparent governance process.
b) iii. Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community.
Accountability mechanisms will be put in force as defined by the Civil Code of Québec. In addition, PointQuébec will have specific policy-oversight and consultation mechanisms with the community.
A “Code of conduct” intended for directors and managers» will provide a set of Rules of Ethics adopted by the Executive Council Office from the Québec Government. These provisions supplement the rules of ethics and professional conduct already provided for in the Civil Code of Québec.
PointQuébec also intends to develop a rich and complete «Registry Governance Model» as part of its relationship with the community. The Governance Plan for the Management of the Registry will reflect the highest standards within the community.
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