22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.htcHTC corporationnet-chinese.com.twView

Considering the future brand uses of .htc domain names, HTC Corporation intends to establish official websites for HTC Corporation, global branches and subsidiaries on geographic .htc domain names. Consumers can easily associate geographic names with global HTC Corporation’s related branches and subsidiaries without hesitation. It also makes our products and services more accessible.
HTC Corporation will reserve the capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the“Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list for its own uses. All these names listed above are prohibited from general registration. Although HTC Corporation may not use every geographic name to establish official websites, we reserve all geographic names due to the consideration that allowing registrants to register geographic names which we did not use could make consumers confuse about whether the websites of registrants are websites of our branches or subsidiaries. To avoid perplexity and protect our brand assets, HTC Corporation believes reserving all geographic names is the safest way.
Through this policy, we also believe that reserving all geographic names will avoid domain name abuse and protect rights of related governments.

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