18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.heartAmerican Heart Association, Inc.heart.orgView

i. How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first-serve basis?
In the limited sunrise period, domain names will be registered to core members of the AHA community on a first come, first served basis. During the Sunrise Period, members of the AHA community who meet the requisite criteria for .HEART domain name registration and meet Trademark requirements will be allowed to register on a first come, first served.
After the Sunrise Period, .HEART domain names will be registered on a first come, first served basis, to members of the AHA community.

Regarding conflicts, because the addressable market for .HEART TLD is much smaller in comparison to many other gTLD, and the names of large universities, major donors and their foundations, scientific institutions and corporations are largely distinct and identifiable, we expect few duplicate domain name requests
However, such conflicts may occur as registration opens to individuals, as allowed by the .HEART registration policies, and on a more limited basis among the institutions who participate in the AHA mission.

Should any of these parties to receive a .HEART domain name request use of the same string at the same time, then consideration will be based on the order of the request and the relevance of the intended use to AHAʹs mission in the .HEART namespace and our domain use policy.
Should a second authorized party request use of the same string at a later time, for example, a second ECC trainer also named “John Smith”, he will be referred to an AHA-operated conflict department to be assigned a variation of his name (e.g., perhaps a .HEART second level domain name with a middle initial)
The restricted registration system envisioned here for .HEART is, by design, a tightly controlled system, allowing a limited number of planned and hence organized registrations. These precautions will ensure that the .HEART TLD starts as and remains a safe and secure name space. As an additional measure, AHA will conduct a limited Sunrise exercise as summarized below and described in detail in question 29.
ii. Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

As mentioned above, the .HEART TLD is intended to become our own unified branding, marketing and communications platform. Therefore immediate adoption and usage is key to achieving the envisioned benefits of the TLD. AHA plans to give domains way to certain segments, e.g., hospitals with award-winning cardiovascular care and our largest donors, will encourage uptake and adoption.
For those purchasing .HEART domain names, and complying with the registration requirements of this restricted TLD, they will be offered the option of registering domain names for periods of 1, 2, 5 and 10 years, provided the institutions and individuals continue to meet the criteria. We anticipate no need for bulk discounts, advantageous pricing or other schemes which are irrelevant and thus not needed.
iii. Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registration for period of one ten years at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation. If so, please describe your plans.
Given that all the domain names in .HEART will be registered by AHA members of the AHA community authorized by AHA, the price of domain names is not the main purpose or motivation for the TLD. Accordingly, for those purchasing a TLD, the price will be fixed at $70 a year with a good amount of the registration fee being a charitable donation to the AHA.
While AHA, at this time, does not anticipate a rise in that fee over the next decade, operational costs and other needs for safety and security may change these plans. AHA understand the Registry requirement of advance written notice to registrants regarding the timing and magnitude of price changes. Further, AHA will undertake no more than incremental changes should operational, safety and security costs increase. We note it is a goal of the .HEART TLD to build and strengthen AHA’s relationship with key stakeholders, so it is not seeking to eliminate registrant members of the AHA community through rapid price escalation and changes.
iv) Additional steps to minimize negative consequences⁄costs imposed upon consumers
AHAʹs own use of the .HEART TLD will highlight the new TLD and encourage interaction among the AHA community on this platform. We will, as mentioned before, be especially sensitive to the misuse of .HEART TLD for abusive or malicious activities.
All domain name registration agreements will incorporate the usage requirements set out in the Domain Name registration and Usage Policy for .HEART located elsewhere in this application. We will detect and mitigate any domain in the .HEART TLD which:
- Infringes any other third parties rights
- Is in breach with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements
Or is operated for the purposes of:
- Disparaging AHA, its programs, its donors and its programs, campaigns and affiliated institutions, organizations, schools, donors and members.
- Is undertaking any illegal, malicious or fraudulent activity, including but not limited to spam and⁄or phishing activities.
Please refer to our answers to Questions 26, 28, and 29 for detailed explanation for detection and mitigation approach.

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