18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.arabLeague of Arab Stateslas.intView

(a) Describe the mission purpose of your proposed gTLD

The mission and purpose of the applied-for gTLD will be to:

promote the identity of Arabs and their diverse communities as well as the use of the Arabic language and script on the Internet;

provide the members of the Arabic community as a whole with effective and dedicated means to communicate with each other and other users of the Internet, using their own identities, company and brand names, as well as generic domain names in a gTLD that expressly targets such community;

provide for an alternative generic Internet top-level domain for the people, organizations, companies and governments of the Arab Region, next to the existing country-code top-level domains;

support and promote the Arabic culture on the global Internet, as well as the facilitation of economic, social and scientific integration and progress; and

promote and operate a regional Internet namespace that has global recognition and caters to the needs of the community in the Arab region as well as Arabs worldwide.

The above objectives can be achieved by the League of Arab States, which will coordinate the development, implementation and management of the applied-for gTLD.

The League of Arab States is a regional intergovernmental organization of 22 Arab states, with headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. Its primary goal is to draw closer the relations between its Member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries.

The League was declared formally established when the then independent Arab countries signed the constituent instrument, the Charter, on March 22, 1945; i.e. nearly six months ahead of the setting up of the United Nations. In an historical perspective, the Charter of the League was indeed drafted in response to the common attitude of public opinion in all Arab countries.

For one full half of a century, the League of Arab States has markedly managed to serve as ʺthe common house of Arabsʺ where Arabs call get together and exchange views on how best to enhance the future of the nation - a process which tacitly and in turn consolidates the functions of the League arid ensures that it be the creditable reflector of the policies of member states.

The experience and performance of the League over the fifty years of its history, together with the regional and international developments, have all prompted the broadening of the scope of joint Arab action, the diversification of its areas and the creation of new institutions and mechanisms, which have in due course gained considerable effectiveness. Consequently, League activities have been so much expanded that they now cover almost all areas of essential importance for the Arab world.

Each Member State of the League retains the right to withdraw from the League on condition that its intention to do so be communicated to the Council at least six months ahead of the desired date of actual withdrawal. The Council of the League has the competence to declare dissociated any state that does not live up to its obligations as are defined in the Charter. Any resolution to this effect need be unanimously approved, excluding the vote of the state concerned.

The Economic and Social Council for the League of Arab States is the unit responsible for all collaborative Arab efforts within the economic or social sectors, as well as supervising the functions of all units acting within its framework. It is also responsible to set general policies for Arab Eco-Social integration, and also to plan, and oversee programs related to its implementation.

The Arab Telecommunication and Information Council of Ministers (ATICM) is part of the structure of the Economic and Social Council for the League, responsible for all collaborative efforts between Arab States in the fields of ICT, including general strategies, infrastructure, services, regional and international cooperation. As declared by the Arab Summit, held in 2001 in Amman, the ATICM is also recognized as the highest executive authority responsible for the development of the Arab Information and Telecommunications Society.

Over the past years, the ATICM has been assigning tasks to specialized technical teams working within its structure to define the Arab gTLD Project, and will continue to do so in the months and years to come, as deemed appropriate. The Arab gTLD Project is framed in parallel with efforts to promote an Arabic Domain Names System focused on standardization for the use of Arabic script in domain names whether for the Arabic language in specific or for different languages using the Arabic script.

As part of this project, activities are underway for the establishment of a pan-Arab registry to manage and operate the new Arab gTLDs ʺ.arabʺ and its IDN equivalent in Arabic script ʺ.عربʺ. These activities are undertaken by LAS, particularly the Arab Working Group on Internet Issues (AWGII).

The League of Arab States is therefore considered to be the Applicant for the applied-for gTLD, and following ICANN’s delegation of the TLD to the League will become the Registry Operator. However, the League has decided to delegate the actual operation of the Arab gTLDs to TRA following delegation by ICANN of the applied-for gTLD to the League. Therefore, TRA will be managing and operating the Arab gTLD(s) following delegation by ICANN thereof to the League, in the name of the League, but for its own account. This arrangement has been laid down in an agreement entered into between both organizations.

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