gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .apartments | June Maple, LLC | | View |
Q18A CHAR: 7985
Donuts Inc. is the parent applicant for this and multiple other TLDs. The company intends to increase competition and consumer choice at the top level. It will operate these carefully selected TLDs safely and securely in a shared resources business model. To achieve its objectives, Donuts has recruited seasoned executive management with proven track records of excellence in the industry. In addition to this business and operational experience, the Donuts team also has contributed broadly to industry policymaking and regulation, successfully launched TLDs, built industry-leading companies from the ground up, and brought innovation, value and choice to the domain name marketplace.
ICANN and the new TLD program share the following purposes:
1. to make sure that the Internet remains as safe, stable and secure as possible, while
2. helping to ensure there is a vibrant competitive marketplace to efficiently bring the benefits of the namespace to registrants and users alike.
ICANN harnesses the power of private enterprise to bring forth these public benefits. While pursuing its interests, Donuts helps ICANN accomplish its objectives by:
1. Significantly widening competition and choice in Internet identities with hundreds of new top-level domain choices;
2. Providing innovative, robust, and easy-to-use new services, names and tools for users, registrants, registrars, and registries while at the same time safeguarding the rights of others;
3. Designing, launching, and securely operating carefully selected TLDs in multiple languages and character sets; and
4. Providing a financially robust corporate umbrella under which its new TLDs will be protected and can thrive.
Donuts’ financial resources are extensive. The company has raised more than US$100 million from a number of capital sources including multiple multi-billion dollar venture capital and private equity funds, a top-tier bank, and other well-capitalized investors. Should circumstances warrant, Donuts is prepared to raise additional funding from current or new investors. Donuts also has in place pre-funded, Continued Operations Instruments to protect future registrants. These resource commitments mean Donuts has the capability and intent to launch, expand and operate its TLDs in a secure manner, and to properly protect Internet users and rights-holders from potential abuse.
Donuts firmly believes a capable and skilled organization will operate multiple TLDs and benefit Internet users by:
1. Providing the operational and financial stability necessary for TLDs of all sizes, but particularly for those with smaller volume (which are more likely to succeed within a shared resources and shared services model);
2. Competing more powerfully against incumbent gTLDs; and
3. More thoroughly and uniformly executing consumer and rights holder protections.
This TLD is attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and the provision of legitimate goods and services. Along with the other TLDs in the Donuts family, this TLD will provide Internet users with opportunities for online identities and expression that do not currently exist. In doing so, the TLD will introduce significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace – the very purpose of ICANN’s new TLD program.
This TLD is a generic term and its second level names will be attractive to a variety of Internet users. Making this TLD available to a broad audience of registrants is consistent with the competition goals of the New TLD expansion program, and consistent with ICANN’s objective of maximizing Internet participation. Donuts believes in an open Internet and, accordingly, we will encourage inclusiveness in the registration policies for this TLD. In order to avoid harm to legitimate registrants, Donuts will not artificially deny access, on the basis of identity alone (without legal cause), to a TLD that represents a generic form of activity and expression.
No entity, or group of entities, has exclusive rights to own or register second level names in this TLD. There are superior ways to minimize the potential abuse of second level names, and in this application Donuts will describe and commit to an extensive array of protections against abuse, including protections against the abuse of trademark rights.
We recognize some applicants seek to address harms by constraining access to the registration of second level names. However, we believe attempts to limit abuse by limiting registrant eligibility is unnecessarily restrictive and harms users by denying access to many legitimate registrants. Restrictions on second level domain eligibility would prevent law-abiding individuals and organizations from participating in a space to which they are legitimately connected, and would inhibit the sort of positive innovation we intend to see in this TLD. As detailed throughout this application, we have struck the correct balance between consumer and business safety, and open access to second level names.
By applying our array of protection mechanisms, Donuts will make this TLD a place for Internet users that is far safer than existing TLDs. Donuts will strive to operate this TLD with fewer incidences of fraud and abuse than occur in incumbent TLDs. In addition, Donuts commits to work toward a downward trend in such incidents.
Donuts has consulted with and evaluated the ideas of international law enforcement, consumer privacy advocacy organizations, intellectual property interests and other Internet industry groups to create a set of protections that far exceed those in existing TLDs, and bring to the Internet namespace nearly two dozen new rights and protection mechanisms to raise user safety and protection to a new level.
These include eight, innovative and forceful mechanisms and resources that far exceed the already powerful protections in the applicant guidebook. These are:
1. Periodic audit of WhoIs data for accuracy;
2. Remediation of inaccurate Whois data, including takedown, if warranted;
3. A new Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) product for trademark protection;
4. A new Claims Plus product for trademark protection;
5. Terms of use that prohibit illegal or abusive activity;
6. Limitations on domain proxy and privacy service;
7. Published policies and procedures that define abusive activity; and
8. Proper resourcing for all of the functions above.
They also include fourteen new measures that were developed specifically by ICANN for the new TLD process. These are:
1. Controls to ensure proper access to domain management functions;
2. 24⁄7⁄365 abuse point of contact at registry;
3. Procedures for handling complaints of illegal or abusive activity, including remediation and takedown processes;
4. Thick WhoIs;
5. Use of the Trademark Clearinghouse;
6. A Sunrise process;
7. A Trademark Claims process;
8. Adherence to the Uniform Rapid Suspension system;
9. Adherence to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
10. Adherence to the Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Policy;
11. Detailed security policies and procedures;
12. Strong security controls for access, threat analysis and audit;
13. Implementation DNSSEC; and
14. Measures for the prevention of orphan glue records.
As a senior government authority has recently said, “a successful applicant is entrusted with operating a critical piece of global Internet infrastructure.” Donuts’ plan and intent is for this TLD to serve the international community by bringing new users online through opportunities for economic growth, increased productivity, the exchange of ideas and information and greater self-expression.
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .dabur | Dabur India Limited | | View |
Dabur India Limited is the oldest and the largest India-born consumer goods Company with Revenues topping US$1 Billion (Rs 5,000 Crore) and Market Capitalisation of US$4 Billion (Rs 20,000 Crore). Ranked amongst the Fortune India 500 Companies, Dabur has also been voted by consumers as the Most Trusted Health Care brand in India.
Building on a legacy of quality and experience of over 127 years, Dabur is today India’s most trusted name and the world’s largest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Company. Dabur India is also a world leader in Ayurveda with a portfolio of over 250 Herbal⁄Ayurvedic products. Dabur today operates in key consumer products categories like Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. The company has a wide distribution network, covering over 6 million retail outlets with a high penetration in both urban and rural markets.
Promoted by the Burman family, Dabur started operations in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company. Dabur has successfully transformed itself from being a family-run business to become a professionally managed enterprise. What sets Dabur apart from the crowd is its ability to change ahead of others and to always set new standards in corporate governance and innovation.
Daburʹs products also have a huge presence in the overseas markets and are today available in over 60 countries across the globe. Its brands are highly popular in the Middle East, Africa, SAARC countries, the US, Europe and Russia, and nearly a third of its Revenue comes from overseas markets. Dabur has been ranked 61 in the Top 100 Global Beauty companies, by WWD BeautyBiz 100, a part of the Conde Nast publications.
Dabur and its various Indian and overseas subsidiaries have both physical and virtual presence through the web world (with its corporate web site and web sites for its several overseas subsidiaries; e-commerce portals and social media presence for various brands). Dabur has been ranked as the No. 2 Most Social Brand of India, second only to Google. The ranking was part of a Social Media report launched at Click Asia Summit 2012, among the expert social media thought leaders and community.
Dabur has also been ranked amongst the Top 5 ‘Best Companies To Work For’ in the Manufacturing sector that includes FMCG, Durables and Non-Engineering items, by the Business Today magazine. That’s not all. Dabur has also been ranked amongst Indiaʹs Top 50 Wealth Creators for 2011. Dabur was placed 37 in the list of Indiaʹs Greatest Wealth Creators for 2011, compiled by Business and Economy magazine.
Dabur has highly differentiated brands in the market, and all its products are based on natural and Ayurvedic ingredients. While a lot of companies today offer Ayurvedic and herbal products, Dabur enjoys the consumerʹs trust because of its herbal heritage. Consumers feel that if a product comes from the House of Dabur, it is truly natural.
Mission of .Dabur
Currently, the web sites of Dabur are registered under several existing TLDs like “.com”, “.in”, “.net” and so on. From these various web sites, our customers get information about the plethora of products offers by Dabur, besides an avenue to know more about the various ingredients that go into our products. They also get information about our various overseas business associates and brand offices and even seek medical advice for the diseases⁄ailments that they may suffer from in addition to knowing about the various Dabur Ayurvedic medicines Dabur products by navigating through the web sites of Dabur and its subsidiaries.
Widespread possible naming conventions and⁄or cyber-squatting in the existing TLDs may mislead our consumers and make them prone to online fraud. Hence, Dabur seeks exclusive ownership of a TLD, as it intends to have complete control on the second-level domain names to have worldwide Uniform presence for the Brand ‘Dabur’ to provide comfort and confidence to its customers in the virtual world by consolidating and simplifying the online identity of the group and its various subsidiaries.
Purpose of .Dabur
Dabur values the Internet as a strong medium to reach out to its customers and has created several properties within the virtual world to not just connect with its customers but also disseminate information about the company and its products. Today, the name ‘Dabur’ evokes a sense of trust in the minds of its 500 million+ consumers, and it’s this trust that we seek to uphold and protect by owning a TLD (.Dabur). This would also go a long way in protecting their interests and help prevent them from falling prey to Internet fraud.
Dabur believes that owning a TLD (.Dabur) will help in:
• Ownership of our identity and our business in the web world
• Online identity mirroring the company’s offline identity
• Efficient brand and domain name protection
• Protection of and control over Trademark and Intellectual Property
• Managing brand and corporate reputation
• Increasing⁄strengthening consumer trust
• Ensuring greater and long-term brand loyalty
• Avoiding cyber-squatting and preventing online fraud
• Effective communication and consumer connect of the brand with various products, variants and categories leading to deeper consumer engagement
• Online community building
• Increasing brand visibility across the globe
• Complete control over second level registration and use
• Enhancing security for e-commerce on Dabur products, thereby protecting them against phishing and online fraud
• Effective extensions to cover the various master brands under the Dabur umbrella (Vatika.Dabur, Hajmola.Dabur, Fem.Dabur, Real.Dabur) as also the various social initiatives CSR.Dabur) and services (Investors.Dabur, Retail.Dabur)
• Rationalizing our online presence
• Reducing Search Engine Optimization costs
• More effective and greater social media optimisation
• Enhancing both Internal and External communication
• Easy integration of new businesses and also exploring new business models and opportunities
Every year millions of dollars are spent by Dabur in directing its consumers and investors to the correct web address through advertisements, campaigns, pamphlets, exhibitions and on-ground promotions. Dabur now intends to aggressively invest in promoting this TLD (.Dabur) and informing consumers and investors and making about the .Dabur string.
Dabur will use the .Dabur string exclusively for its various divisions, master brands, sub-brands and subsidiaries – both in India and overseas. Currently, Dabur has registered more than 100domains in the “.com”, “.in” and “.net” TLDs. Under these TLDs, Dabur’s corporate web site (, web sites of its domestic and overseas subsidiaries, specific brand websites, e-commerce sites are currently operational. Also, additional domains are being registered regularly to cater to the new products and business ventures being established by Dabur.
According to our estimates, in the very first year of .Dabur being allotted to Dabur, around 220 second-level domains will be registered and the number of live registrations will go up to 340 in the second year and thereafter increase to 550 domains in the third year.
In the first-year, priority will be provided to the existing domains of Dabur and a combination of existing information and transactional web sites will be brought under the new gTLD of Dabur. In the subsequent years, other existing domains and new domains of Dabur and its subsidiaries will be brought under the new gTLD of Dabur. Second-level domains will also be created under the new gTLD for the wide range of products offered by Dabur and its subsidiaries. This would not only enable our over 500-million-strong customer base to navigate through the entire group and its products easily, but also extend a higher-level of confidence and trust to the consumer on the authenticity of the accessed web site.