
15(b) Describe the process used for development of the IDN tables submitted, including consultations and sources used

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Wherever possible, well-established language tables that have been published in IANA Repository of IDN Practices are adopted. Published tables, especially from a ccTLD that primarily uses the given language or script, represent valuable research and deployment experience. In the interest of interoperability, we reuse these tables in our IDN implementation.

In some instances, multiple language tables for the same language may exist, with material differences in their content. In order to determine the best approach that fits our needs and specific target audience, we may conduct research and consult reference sources such as and for clarity and understand the reason for the differences.

The Japanese IDN table is based on the .biz table found on in the IANA Repository. This table has been in use for nearly five years. When it was created in 2007, it was derived from the following sources:
IDN Character Table for JPRS: http:⁄⁄⁄assignments⁄idn⁄jp-japanese.html

When constructing the table, Neustar consulted with various experts including representatives at JPRS.
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Wherever possible, well-established language tables that have been published in IANA Repository of IDN Practices are adopted. Published tables, especially from a ccTLD that primarily uses the given language or script, represent valuable research and deployment experience. In the interest of interoperability, we reuse these tables in our IDN implementation.

In some instances, multiple language tables for the same language may exist, with material differences in their content. In order to determine the best approach that fits our needs and specific target audience, we may conduct research and consult reference sources such as and for clarity and understand the reason for the differences.

The Chinese IDN table is based on the .biz table found on in the IANA Repository. This table has been in use for nearly five years. When it was created in 2007, it was derived from the following sources:
IDN Character Table for CNNIC: http:⁄⁄⁄domains⁄idn-tables⁄tables⁄cn_zh-cn_4.0.html
IDN Character Table for TWNIC: http:⁄⁄⁄domains⁄idn-tables⁄tables⁄tw_zh-tw_4.0.1.html
When constructing the table, Neustar consulted with various experts including representatives at CNNIC and TWNIC.