16 Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.pictetPictet Europe S.A.agencevirtuelle.comView

16. Known operational problems
Based on the information provided by the technical providers (registry & registrar) there are no known operational problems at the date of application. Pictet (and Verisign as its technical provider) ensured that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string ʺPICTETʺ.
Since the gTLD string ʺPICTETʺ is an ASCII-only string, it is safe to assume that, just like with existing ASCII-only TLD strings like .com, .net or .de, no operational or rendering problems may be expected. In particular, the name consists only of ASCII characters that are already used for existing top level domains; all the characters in the name are even used in the leftmost position of existing TLD labels.
This means that bi-directional issues (like the ones described at http:⁄⁄stupid.domain.name⁄node⁄683) will not occur, also since the TLD string does not contain digits (which behaviour in bi-directional contexts can lead to rendering issues).
As the registry supports right-to-left scripts on the second level, the respective IDN tables were carefully crafted according to IDNA2008 standards to ensure that no rendering issues occur left or right of the dot (ʺ.ʺ) character separating the top and second domain name labels (which are the only labels under the registryʹs control).
Moreover, the gTLD string exclusively uses characters from a single alphabet, does not contain digits or hyphens, and it contains characters that are not subject to homograph issues, which means there is no potential for confusion with regard to the rendering of other TLD strings.

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