18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.католикPontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)pccs.vaView


All domain name registrations in the .католик TLD will be registered to, and maintained by, the PCCS for the exclusive use of the PCCS and the constituent institutions of the Church. The PCCS will not sell, distribute or transfer control or use of any registration in the TLD to any third party that is not identified within the TLD Catholic Community. As such, individual adherents will not be eligible to register or be granted use of .католик domain names.
The PCCS will maintain a high degree of control over the TLD as facilitated by the eligibility restrictions criteria and internal policies and processes. The PCCS has interpreted this question broadly and prepared this response to consider social costs and other negative consequences facing the consumers and internet users who will access content through the .католик TLD; the PCCS considers these likewise eliminated or minimised by the manner in which it will operate the TLD.


Multiple applications for the same domain names are not anticipated in the .католик TLD because domain name registrations will be registered for the exclusive use of the Catholic Church and its constituent institutions. Use of domain names will be granted to all dioceses, religious orders and institutions affiliated with the PCCS. Each of these entities possesses a unique denomination which is different from the others. Therefore every authorised entity will only seek to use a .католик domain name that identifies their own name, so problems of competitive applications for the same name are not foreseen.

Registrations will not be generally available as eligibility to register domain names is limited to members of the TLD Catholic Community, resulting in no competing interests and no risk of multiple applications. The decision-making authority as to which domain names will be registered and for which purposes, will vest in a single office; this will be addressed through internal processes regarding domain name registration, which will require approvals within established reporting lines and the use of a username and password to register domain names. Compliance with these processes will ensure that multiple applications do not arise. Registration in the .католик TLD will effectively be first-come, first-served at all stages of registration (sunrise and general registration).


The gTLD will be developed by the PCCS as a service to the constituent institutions. The community nature of this application ensures the maximum sensitivity to the needs and requirements of the registrants.


All registrations will be subject to negotiations between the PCCS and the community institutions. This will ensure a consensual resolution of all issues relating to the ongoing development of the project.


By imposing strict eligibility restrictions and internal processes regarding domain name registration and restricting the .католик TLD to uses that clearly support its mission⁄purpose, the PCCS anticipates that vulnerabilities to itself as the sole registrant, and to the Internet public who accesses content through the TLD, would be eliminated through internal policies and procedures which ensure that registrations are made by authorised representatives using established reporting lines. Abusive registrations and misuse of registrations will be prevented by having in place and enforcing a robust anti-abuse policy. This policy is described in detail in the response to Question 28 on Abuse Prevention and Mitigation mechanisms.

Similar gTLD applications: (3)

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