20(d) Explain the relationship between the applied-for gTLD string and the community identified in 20(a)
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .versicherung | dotversicherung-registry GmbH | dotversicherung.de | View |
* Relationship to the established name, if any, of the community *
The string .VERSICHERUNG is solely connected and matches the name of the insurance industry in the German speaking countries. It has no other meaning – neither to the community and customers – nor to the general public beyond identifying the community and its products offered to the public described in the articulated community-based purpose of the TLD.
* Relationship to the identification of community members *
The string .VERSICHERUNG identifies the insurance community members in the German speaking countries since consumers and the public are aware of the highly regulated nature of the insurance industry and its members (the community).
* Any connotations the string may have beyond the community *
The string .VERSICHERUNG has no other meaning to the community, consumers and the public beyond identifying the community described in with the articulated community-based purpose of the TLD.
Similar gTLD applications: (5)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .spa | Asia Spa and Wellness Promotion Council Limited | tld.asia | 1.79 | Compare |
.barcelona | Municipi de Barcelona | josoc.cat | 1.81 | Compare |
.рус | Rusnames Limited | gmail.com | 1.9 | Compare |
.ECO | Big Room Inc. | doteco.org | 1.9 | Compare |
.gay | dotgay llc | spimarketing.com | 1.96 | Compare |